

Feb 2019
not shooting the messenger

Not Shooting the Messenger The Prophet (peace be on him) said: ‘I do not break my covenant and I do not imprison the ambassadors or the messengers.’ (Sunan abi Dawood) Abdullah bin Masud said: The Sunnah is not to kill the ambassadors. (Ahmad) No one would quibble with this. It is common sense. Yet it is not as uncommon as we would think. We have lost common sense. An example, was the assassination of Andrei Karlov, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey in 2016 by Mevlut Mert Altinas, an off-duty Turkish police office,......

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Feb 2019
the truth has light. Don't be misled by fake shaykhs

  ‘They want to extinguish the light of Allah Almighty but Allah Almighty will complete His light, even though the disbelievers dislike it’. (9:32 and 61:8) Allah Almighty is highlighting the fact that whenever we have the truth, there are always enemies against it. The truth always faces challenges. How can we identify those who are misrepresenting and tarnishing Islam by commercialising and politicising the deen? The Challenge to the Truth Throughout our history today until the Day of Judgement, there is an on-going challenge between truth and falsehood. Ever since, Allah......

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Feb 2019
when dhulm comes back to bite

Cornering the Cat – Why Allah Forbid Oppression Oh my servants, I have made oppression forbidden on myself and made it forbidden amongst you so do not oppress one another. (Bukhari) This is one of the fundamental rules and pillars in Islam – the prohibition of oppression (dhulm). There are different types of dhulm. The highest is to associate with Allah Almighty: Those who do believe and do not contaminate their belief with dhulm, they have guidance from Allah and they have security. (6:82) When this ayah was revealed the companions of......

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Feb 2019
control your tongue

Choosing Your Words Wisely Tell my servants to say what is best. (17:53) And say to the people what is good.(2:83) The Prophet (peace be on him) said: Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him say something good or let him be silent. (Bukhari) There are so many narrations which are about speaking good words and having good communication. What is the reason behind this command to ‘Say what is best?’ Choice Firstly we have the choice to say something good or something bad. The third option is to......

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Feb 2019
ijtihad and taqleed

Ijtihad (reasoning) and Taqleed (imitation) Do I need to follow a madhab? Who is qualified to make Ijihad? What essential knowledge does a mujtahid need? Definition While Ijtihad is the process of systematic legal reasoning carried out only by mujtahids (those trained in ijtihad),  taqleed is to follow a certain school, or scholar or opinion. The person who does taqleed is called a muqalid. By default anyone who is not a mujtahid is muqalid. There is a very limited number of people who are mujtahids, as it is very specialised and anyone who is......

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Feb 2019
the differences among the schools of thought

The Differences among the Fuqaha In particular we are focusing on the scientific differences among the fuqaha (jurists) and why we have more than one opinion.   The main difference is linguistic difference. The second one is evidences and the third is in understanding. When we look at linguistic differences, it becomes clear quite quickly that the language itself generates multiple understandings, when it is not definitive. The Islamic pillars are definitive as is the ayah, Qul huwa Allahu Ahad, ‘Say there is One God.’ . The meaning is unambiguous – it is about the tawheed......

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Feb 2019
Why Scholars Differ (part 2)- What are the Origins of the Fiqhi Schools of Thought

The Origins of the Fiqh Schools Fiqh at the Time of the Prophet (peace be on him) During the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be on him) how was fiqh decided? If someone needed a ruling on a case what did the Prophet (peace be on him) himself do? The first thing the Prophet (peace be on him) would do was wait for revelation. The revelation is of two types: Qur’an and Sunnah. Classifying the Sunnah as revelation might seem strange to some, but nevertheless the Prophet (peace be on him) is the authority......

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Feb 2019
why scholars differ

Why Scholars Differ This was the first course I delivered in the UK in 2001, but it is as relevant today as it was then, if not more. I used to deliver this course over three months at shariah college, so here I am going to condense it and give you an overview. Why do we need to know why scholars differ? This is an important topic. Usually we have questions regarding how we pray, and every year, as soon as Ramadan approaches, moon-sighting and moon-fighting begins. Why do we have these......

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Feb 2019
The Low Down on Borrowing and Lending

THE LOW DOWN ON BORROWING AND LENDING What Everyone Should Know   A loan is a loss on paper. The lender has no access to that money until it is repaid. Yet there are times when we need to borrow and others when we are in a position to lend. In fact, the Prophet (peace be on him) was not wealthy and he would often resort to taking loans. Here is the nitty gritty on borrowing and lending… To lend or not to lend? When is a loan more than a loan?......

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Feb 2019
The Comprehensive Du'a - When You Want Everything!

Du’a is an act of worship that draws us closer to Allah Almighty. In making du’a, the supplicant acknowledges their complete dependence on and need for the One who created, nurtures, and sustains them—and to whom they will ultimately and inevitably return. Since our needs are infinite and endless, one of the best ways to address all that we require is by making a comprehensive du’a. When Allah Almighty’s generosity of is so vast that He can grant anything then why not ask for everything we need? What is the best way of......

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Feb 2019
being critical for the sake of it

The Mistake Hunters What do you focus on when you attend a gathering? What do you remember when you left? Was it the mistakes of the speakers? The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him said): Seeking knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim. (Ibn Majah) The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘The likeness of the one who sits and listen to wisdom then only speaks of the mistakes that he had heard, is that of a man who comes to a shepherd and says: ‘O shepherd, give me the......

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Feb 2019
is my du'a blocked?

What Causes Du’as to be Rejected? Check Yourself When people are afflicted naturally they turn to Allah Almighty for relief. Some times that relief is not granted. I am frequently asked: How do I know if I am being tested or punished? The answer to this question lies with you. You need to analyse why an affliction is not being removed, even though you are suffering and praying so much. Could it be that you are displeasing Allah and He is giving you the chance to turn back to Him? In the famous hadith,......

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Feb 2019
Renewing the Deen - Recognising False Claims

How to Recognise False Claims   Allah the Almighty sends in the beginning of every century for this Ummah somebody to renew the deen for them. (Sunan abi Dawood) Allah the Almighty sends in the beginning of every century for this Ummah somebody to renew the matters deen for them (Bayhaqi) These authentic narrations address the importance of renewal in the deen which is called tajdeed, bearing in mind that Allah Almighty said: This day I have perfected for you your religion (5:3) This means the perfection of the deen has bee......

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Jan 2019
my big fat asian wedding. Cutlture vs Islam

The Difference between Culture and Islam This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. (5:3) Perfection and Completion In this famous part of the ayah in Surah Al-Maidah, Allah Almighty told us that the religion had been perfected, the Qur’an had been completed, the mission of the Prophet (peace be on him) had been accomplished. And by then, the whole Qur’an had been revised twice before the Prophet (peace be on him) passed away. So we have......

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Jan 2019
when leaders and scholars fail

The Limitations of Scholars When Rebellion is Permitted The Arab spring raised many questions about the legitimacy of tackling unjust dictatorships and oppressive regimes. Is it permissible for the public to rebel when their rulers are failing them? There have been scholars throughout history who have legitimised and rubber stamped the wrong doings of rulers, and written books in their support. In general, the majority of scholars recommend not defying rulers because this has historically led to violence and bloodshed. The ummah paid a heavy price and noble companions died. The sequence......

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