
Tag: Patience

Jul 2020
Fulfil your promise to Allah

Allah Almighty talks about specific criteria for specific people. Is he who knows that what was revealed to your from your Lord is the truth, like him who is blind? Only those who reason will remember. Those who fulfill the promise to God, and do not violate the agreement. And those who join what God has commanded to be joined, and fear their Lord, and dread the dire reckoning. And those who patiently seek the presence of their Lord, and pray regularly, and spend from Our provisions to them, secretly and openly,......

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Jul 2020
Practice piety and patience

The bitter pill There are still many lessons in this surah. There is a long catalogue of troubles and trials that befell Yusuf (peace be upon him). Our perception is that these are all negative – from being thrown in the well to being falsely accused and imprisoned. Yet all these bitter events and challenges and different levels of suffering and patience and taqwa, lead him to becoming the ruler of Egypt. This story always reminds me of the ayah where Allah Almighty says; But it may be that you dislike something......

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Jul 2020
Be from amongst those who have patience

The story of Yusuf The story of Yusuf (peace be upon him) is very important in the Quran. In particular, Allah Almighty called it ‘ahsanal qasas’ – the best story. We relate to you, , the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an although you were, before it, among the unaware. Yusuf:3 There are many stories in the Quran including Nuh, Ibrahim and Musa (peace be upon them all) but this story is called the best. What makes it the best? Scholars offered different explanations......

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May 2020
ramadan - a month of mindfulness

Month of mindfulness Ramadan is about becoming more mindful of your Lord, mindful of your duties towards Him and towards His creation as well. All the messages that were sent by God to humanity since Adam and Noah and Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed (peace be upon them) were sent to make the human race improve their character and conduct. Ramadan brings a heightened awareness of God in our lives. How to have the presence of God in our life more. How to increase mindfulness in our life, as opposed to being......

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Nov 2019
be ambassadors for the Prophet (peace be on him)

The common factor when we gather to celebrate the life of the Prophet (peace be on him) is our love for him. Whatever we do, intention is crucial, inamal amalu bin niyyat: Actions are by intention. (Bukhari) Our intention is to be closer to Allah Almighty by knowing the Prophet and sending our salam and salah to him. Sending salawat on the Prophet (peace be on him) Sending salawat on the Prophet (peace be on him) is a way of showing our gratitude for our blessings and for the blessing that he......

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Jul 2019
how to be patient. 8 ways to improve sabr

Sabr – An Active State Many people think that sabr is a passive state. Of waiting patiently. Sabr is more than this. Sabr is an active state. Sabr is a quality that grows with practice. ‘O you who believe, be patient, compete with each other in patience.’ (3:200). To get out of bed and pray fajr requires sabr – you have to fight your pillow and mattress and duvet in order to get up and pray. You also need sabr to refrain from what is haram. This is why Allah has given a special......

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Jul 2019
Ramadan and Eid from social and spiritual dimensions

My reflections on the social and spiritual dimensions of Ramadan and Eid Every year I have some reflections on Ramadan and these reflections keep changing. They constantly change because these reflections are connected to our mental status, our spiritual status, as well as what we see or read or hear at the time. All these always affect our understanding. My personal journey from the Middle East to the West, to Karachi, to Bahrain, to Saudi, to the UAE and to various other places have all  given me a very different understanding of......

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Sep 2018
halal rizq

What do I need to know about Rizq? We spend our lives chasing our rizq. Trying to make ends meet, to increase our wealth and spending it. What do we need to keep in mind? The Prophet (peace be on him) said, ‘Oh people, nothing makes you closer to Allah Almighty, and closer to jannah and further from hell than what I have commanded you to do. And there’s nothing that makes you close to hell and further from jannah than what I have forbade you to do. (Bayhaqqi) The Messenger of......

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Jul 2018
How to Shield Yourself from Family Conflicts

What is the Best Way to Cope with Family Politics?     Indeed in Yusuf and his brothers, there are lessons for men of understanding’ (12:111) Extreme Sibling Rivalry  The main focus of the story of Yusuf (peace be on him) and his brothers is the conflict between them.   Allah the Almighty says in this story there are many lessons for those who are seeking them, and if we reflect on the main focus we see plainly the bitterness of the fighting amongst siblings within the very same family, with the same blood.   Though it is......

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