
Tag: alcohol

Nov 2020
is alcohol in food haram?

Is it permissible to consume a small quantity as it is not intoxicating? It is not allowed to consume alcohol even in small quantities, including confectionery, or in meals that are cooked with alcohol, as the alcohol does not all evaporate, including in dishes which are  flambé, as the alcohol remains after it has been set alight. That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah) The results of the study carried out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Laboratory, published by the......

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Jul 2020
Why is alcohol prohibited in Islam?

Alcohol clouds the brain Allah Almighty called alcohol Khamr (intoxicant) in Surat un-Maidah from ‘cover’. Khimar means head cover*. Therefore khamra is something which covers, clouds and befuddles the brain. When someone is intoxicated they cannot think clearly, their mind is fogged. They can’t function properly. Allah Almighty’s prohibition is clear: O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, stone altars , and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. (5:90) Guard your dignity The reason behind......

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Jun 2020
where does it say alcohol is haram

The prohibition of alcohol was introduced gradually. It happened in stages. This is gradualism. As Islam was revealed over 23 years,  the dos and dont’s were not delivered in a single complete package as we have now. Rather, a process of transforming hearts, minds and social practices took place as the verses were revealed bit by bit. Alcohol is mentioned in the Quran many times. The first reference was revealed in Makkah. And the final three were revealed in Madinah as that is when the revelations shifted from giving proof of the......

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Feb 2020

Desire is normal The instinct which Allah Almighty created in us makes it very easy for us to be tempted by the opposite sex. This is our nature and how we function and what makes us balanced and human. If we did not feel desire, it is not normal and we would need help to fix this. Our tendency towards the other sex is what leads us to get married and have children which keeps the human race going; otherwise humanity would die out. Yet, it is not healthy to have pure......

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Jan 2020

The majority of food is halal The list of what is haram is not long. In fact, Allah Almighty is saying that everything is halal except the few things which are prohibited. There are 10 prohibitions mentioned in the Quran and some more from the Sunnah – all in all not more than 20 things. Everything else is allowed. We derive the 10 prohibitions from this ayah in Surah Maidah: Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and......

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Jul 2019
how to find the halal

Where’s the halal?  ‘…They say trade is but like riba,’ while Allah has permitted trade, and prohibited riba. So, whoever receives an advice from his Lord and desists (from indulging in riba), then what has passed is allowed for him, and his matter is up to Allah… (2:275) No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or reconciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking means to the approval of Allah Almighty – then We are going to give......

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May 2019
the concept of gradualism

The Concept of Gradualism Tadarruj or gradualism is the introduction of a concept over a period of time so that it is not overwhelming in the first instance. Though we have all the rulings now, and see Islam as black and white package of halal and haram, it is worth remembering that the Quran was revealed over 23 years and the rulings were brought in bit by bit as Islam was established in the hearts and minds of its followers. This means that many things that were prohibited later, were initially accepted......

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Nov 2018
sin, submission, succession

What Prevents Us from Submitting? And who would be averse to the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself. And We had chosen him in this world, and indeed he, in the Hereafter, will be among the righteous. (2:130) The Core of Deen brought by all Prophets is the Same. Allah Almighty is saying that only a fool would forsake the religion of Ibrahim (peace be on him). Anyone with understanding and good character would not forsake it and in the hereafter he will be among the righteous.......

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Nov 2018
is alcohol haram in islam

What are the rulings about Alcohol in Islam? It is unthinkable for governments today to ban alcohol. The US tried it in the 1920s but found prohibition created a new wave of problems than those it was to eradicate. Often there is confusion surrounding the ayahs concerning alcohol in the Qur’an – is it haram, when the word haram itself has not been used? Is it permissible  if consumed in small quantities which do not intoxicate you?  Why did Allah say not to approach salah when intoxicated if alcohol was prohibited? What does......

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