Utrujj Foundation Tafseer Classes
Enrol now!
Join us for these warm and welcoming sessions as we embark on the journey of the Quran together.
‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be on him) said:
“Verily, Allah elevates some people with this Qur’an and abases others.” [Muslim]
Quranic Tafseer
What do I get?
58 sessions of tafseer over the year.
You can attend live online and ask questions. Or watch the recordings in your own time.
You will receive the video of each session.
You will receive comprehensive class notes for each session.
You will receive the take away lessons from each class.
Course Times
Twice weekly in term time
Monday 10.00am -11.30am followed by Q&A
Wednesday 10.00am – 11.30am followed by Q&A
Course Dates
4th Sep – 21st Oct
No lessons – 23,28,30th Oct
4th Nov – 27th Nov
No lessons 2nd & 4th Dec
9th Dec – 18th Dec
26 lessons
Winter break – 3 weeks
13th Jan – 12th Feb 2025
10 lessons
Half term – 1 week
24th Feb & 26th Feb 2025
2 lessons
Ramadan 1st March – 31st
Easter break until 22nd April 2025
7 week break
23rd April – 21st May 2025
8 lessons
(Bank holiday 5th May)
Half term – 1 week
2nd June – 14th July 2025
12 lessons
Total 58 lessons
I love this class! have been attending Shaykh Haytham’s class for many years and it is the highlight of my week. I find it enlightening and it combines wisdom and balance and his sense of humour. It has given me clarity on how to deal with every day situations we face in a prophetic manner. A.S North London
How do I subscribe?
Join at anytime during the year.
Payments for the 60 sessions are spread over the year.
I would like to subscribe monthly:
Tafseer plus hadith – Pay £70 per month
Pay monthly Tafseer and Hadith
Tafseer only – Pay £50 per month (£20 per week)
Pay monthly Tafseer only
I would prefer to subscribe annually:
Tafseer plus hadith – Pay £840 annually
Pay annually Tafseer and Hadith
Tafseer only – Pay £600 annually
Pay annually Tafseer only
For more info on the hadith class
Donation Type
What does the course enable you to do?
- Comprehend the meanings of the verses clearly
- Understand the historical context of the verses
- Reflect on the depth and layers of meaning as they connect to other verses in the Quran
- Draw lessons for your life and see how they are relevant to your reality
- Know the rulings so you can fulfil Allah’s commands and refrain from what He prohibited
- Fulfil the act of worship by contemplating Allah’s verses
- Appreciate the logic and reasoning behind Islamic teachings so that we are better able to practice them within our daily lives
- Explore the psychological and emotional aspects of the Quran as revealed to the Prophet (peace be on him) in light of the challenges he faced.
- Benefit from the spiritual guidance of Shaykh Haytham Tamim
- Feel spiritually elevated as the meaning of the verses are expounded
- Activate your imaan by increasing the significance of the verses in your life
Shaykh Haytham’s Tafseer will be based on Al-Tafseer Al-Muneer by his late shaykh Professor Wahba Al-Zuhayli rahimahumullah ta’ala and about10 other books including Qushayri , Razi, Biqa’i, Ibn ‘Ashour, Qurtibi, Tabari, Baghawi, Al-Khazin and others.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) said:
“Any group of people that assemble in one of the Houses of Allah to recite and study the Quran, tranquility will descend upon them, mercy will engulf them, angels will surround them and Allah will make mention of them to those (the angels) in His proximity.” [Muslim]
Utrujj Foundation is a charity. Registered charity number 1196901. Contact: info@utrujj.org
Please find our Code of Conduct for students here.
Teacher: Shaykh Haytham Tamim
Shaykh Haytham is an expert and a holder of some of the highest Ijazas in Quran, Hadith (the Prophetic traditions) and Fiqh (Islamic rulings).
His knowledge spans the main Islamic jurisprudence schools of thought and different Islamic denominations through highly advanced classical and religious texts.
With 29 links in his chain, Shaykh Haytham’s unbroken chain of scholarship goes back the Prophet (peace be on him). Mashallah he was blessed with the opportunity to study with some of the foremost scholars in their expertise, including the late Professor Wahba Al-Zuhayli, Shaykh Muhammad Sukkar, Professor Mustafa Azami, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Nizam Yaqoubi
He takes a keen interest in promoting love and tolerance within the Muslim community as well within wider society, and voicing the need for social justice. He has a gift for making difficult religious texts accessible to students.
Often consulted by his students for his wise, compassionate and balanced stance, he loves spreading knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah in a way that is authentic, relevant and down to earth.
Suitable for:
Busy Bees – student keen on being busy in learning good in the company of good people, looking for reminders to refresh their knowledge and practice of Islam, or has a busy life so dips into whatever he or she can within their schedule
New Muslims – students who have recently reverted to Islam and are looking for authentic, trusted and reliable knowledge delivered to them in an easy to understand and gentle manner
Path seekers– students who are at the start of their Islamic knowledge journey, keen to learn and understand the foundational knowledge that will help connect better to Islam.
Deep divers – students who have been on the path of acquiring knowledge and feel committed to build their technical depth and understand of the various sciences of the Quran.
Why study tafseer?
“[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad],
that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.” (38:29)
How much significance do we actually give to the teachings of the Quran? The words of Allah are directly addressing us as a guidance and to benefit our life. The Quran was not revealed just for a certain period or a specific place; but is applicable during all times and places and it is for us to use as a guide to our every complex and confusing world.
The recitation of the Quran is a beautiful act of worship, but we often overlook the fact that thinking and reflecting on the Quran, using the reason and intellect that Allah has blessed us with, to understand the Quran is also an act of worship in itself.
As we ponder on the verses, understand the reason for revelation and comprehend its rulings, only then will its objectives be realised. This is where we can truly discover the wisdom that lies within.
The Tafseer classes at Utrujj Foundation led by Shaykh Haytham Tamim will take you on an enriching journey to understand the Quran verse by verse. As you marvel at the beauty, wisdom and stunning words of Allah the Almighty, it is hoped that you can experience the Quran come alive in your life.
The sessions will explore verse by verse in context to our reality of the modern world.
Shaykh Haytham Tamim with his rich and deep experience will provide traditional explanations as well sharing his own deep insights and reflections throughout the course.
Please contact info@utrujj.org to cancel. Once you cancel we regret you will no longer have access to the videos.