Jun 2021

Utrujj Foundation Tafseer Classes Enrol now! Join us for these warm and welcoming sessions as we embark on the journey of the Quran together. ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be on him) said: “Verily, Allah elevates some people with this Qur’an and abases others.” Curriculum Quranic Tafseer What do I get? 58 sessions of tafseer over the year. You can attend live online and ask questions. Or watch the recordings in your own time. You will receive the video of each session.......
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Jul 2020

Possessing books As a student of knowledge, we should try own as many books as we need for they are our tools of learning. However, we should not get into the trap of collecting books or creating a library of books without reading them. Every book we buy, it should be read at least once, then re-read again with the purposes of furthering understanding or for research and reference. Books are for self-development, Not for shelf-development. So what books should we have in our personal library? Here is a list of recommended......
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Aug 2018

More Lessons from Bani Israel And when We appointed forty nights for Musa, then you took the calf (as God) thereafter, and you were unjust. (51) Yet We pardoned you, even after that, so that you may show gratitude. (52) Then We gave Musa the Book and the Criterion (of right and wrong), so that you may find the right path. (53) When Musa said to his people: ‘My people, you have wronged yourselves by your taking the calf (as God). So, turn in repentance to your Creator, and slay yourselves. That will......
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Aug 2018

Do you have to Practice What You Preach? And be steadfast in Salah (prayer), and pay Zakah, and bow down with those who bow down. (43) Do you enjoin righteousness upon others while you ignore your own selves, although you keep reciting the Book? Have you then no sense? (2:44) Allah Almighty is pointing out the hypocrisy of preaching one thing, while personally doing another. At the time of this revelation, there were some rabbis who would instruct their followers to do one thing, but themselves would do another. Allah Almighty is......
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Aug 2018

How to Escape the Clutches of the Nafs Seek help through patience and prayer. It is indeed exacting, but not for those who are humble in their hearts, (45) Who bear in mind that they are to meet their Lord, and that to Him they are to return. (2:45-46) What prevents us from caving into our baser cravings? The relentless pull of our nafs is tough to keep in check. Just as the irrepressible urge of a smoker to pick up a cigarette makes him feel trapped, repeating a behaviour that he......
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