Jan 2025

Never delay taking the shahada Anyone who is considering becoming Muslim, should not delay their shahada. None of us know how long we have in this world. This life is temporary and we must all leave it. As only Allah knows the time and place of our death, someone who has a terminal condition may still survive their doctor’s prognosis by days, weeks, months or even years. On the other hand, they may get run over by the proverbial bus before that. If someone has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, they......
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Nov 2024

For someone who is ill and finds it too difficult to stand during prayer, it is allowed for them to sit. If sitting is also challenging, they may pray while lying down. Prayer of the Sick Person Al-Quduri (973–1037 CE), the prominent Hanafi jurist and scholar, laid out the following rules in his best known work “Mukhtasar al-Quduri” (“Quduri’s Concise Manual”), which is a foundational text in Hanafi jurisprudence: 1. When it is impossible for a sick person to stand, he prays sitting, performing ruku` and sujud. if he is unable to......
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Nov 2024

If one is praying a Sunnah or Nafl prayer other than Fajr, it is generally advised to end the prayer and join the Fard Salah, as the congregational prayer holds greater importance.
This understanding is based on the principle that congregational prayer has a higher priority, and missing the Fard prayer with the congregation should be avoided if possible.
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Oct 2024

In today’s world, social media is unavoidable and there is an abundance of images that are posted and circulated. Permissibility and decency Firstly, from an Islamic perspective, there is generally no issue with using a personal photo on social media, provided it meets the requirements of decency and modesty. Both men and women are encouraged to dress and behave modestly in Islam, and this principle extends to the way we present ourselves online. Wearing appropriate clothing and maintaining a dignified appearance respects the values of modesty and humility, which are core to......
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Oct 2024

Gift to the Bride The mahr is a mandatory gift from the groom to the bride, which can be in the form of money, property, or any other item agreed upon by both parties. It forms an essential element of the nikkah contract, along with the wali’s consent, the couple’s consent, and the witnesses. For a wedding to be accepted by the shariah, mahr has to be agreed and is a debt on the husband. Obligation It is a right of the bride, which is part of her and must be stipulated......
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Oct 2024

Are Muslims allowed to inherit from their non-Muslim relatives? The European Fatwa Council issued a statement saying: Muslims are allowed to inherit from their non-Muslim relatives and accept bequests. There is no contradiction between this Fatwa and the Hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Muslim is not allowed to inherit from the non-Muslim and the non-Muslim is not allowed to inherit from the Muslim”. The non-Muslim that is meant is he/she that fights against Islam. We should also note that in the early times of Islam Muslims were......
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Jul 2024

The essential components of a nikkah In order for a nikkah (the Islamic marriage contract) to be valid, certain elements are required: Consent of both parties Mutual Agreement: Both the bride and groom must agree to the marriage willingly and without any coercion. Their consent is crucial for the validity of the nikkah. Ijab and Qubul: This refers to the offer (ijab) of marriage and the acceptance (qubul) in the presence of witnesses. This verbal consent must be clear and unequivocal. Wali of the bride (Guardian) Bride’s Representative: For a first time......
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Jul 2024

Visibility and Connection and following the Imam Traditionally, it is preferred that the Imam and the congregation are in the same physical space, maintaining a direct line of sight or at least a clear physical connection. The ability to follow the Imam’s movements and recitations is crucial for the validity of the congregational prayer. Though it is always preferable for a congregation to worship collectively in one space, it is not always physically possible to fit them in one area. In such situations, it is permissible for a congregation to be split......
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Jun 2024

Medical scans, such as MRIs, CT scans, or X-rays may require the removal of hijab. This can be a sensitive issue for many Muslim women who wish to maintain their modesty. Medical scans often require patients to remove any clothing or accessories that might interfere with the imaging process. For many Muslim women, the thought of removing their hijab can be distressing due to embarrassment caused by removing it as well as a sense of guilt at disobeying Allah’s command. Keep your hijab on if possible The best option, whenever possible, is......
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Jun 2024

Can women go to the mosque during their period? The question of whether women can attend the mosque during their menstrual periods is a topic of discussion among scholars. Different schools of thought have varying perspectives on this matter, and understanding these can help provide clarity on the issue. The Islamic perspective on menstruation In Islam, menstruation is considered a natural physiological process. The Quran and hadith address the state of a woman during her menstrual cycle and prescribe certain rules and etiquettes. The Quran mentions menstruation in Surat al-Baqarah: يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ......
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Jun 2024

In general, the issue of whether menstruating women can visit the mosque is subject to varying interpretations among different scholars and schools of thought. In a nutshell, there are two primary perspectives on this matter: Prohibition View: Some scholars and traditional schools of thought, such as the Hanafi and Hanbali schools, maintain that menstruating women should not enter the mosque. This view is based on the idea that menstruation is a state of ritual impurity. Permissibility View: Other scholars and schools of thought, like the Maliki and Shafi’i, have a more lenient......
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Jun 2024

Allah Almighty revealed the Quran for humans and jinn, not animals. The food rules therefore apply to us, but not animals. Animals hunt and prey on other animals. When we have pets, we can feed them food that is available in the supermarkets, but should not feed them any pig products. Shaykh Haytham Tamim Tafseer Class 17th June 2024 Related posts Halal food guide Where does it say alcohol is prohibited? Why is alcohol prohibited? Is alcohol haram? Is gelatine halal? Is it permissible to have the nasal flu vaccine? Veganism and......
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Jun 2024

Islam is a religion of moderation, advocating a balanced approach in all aspects of life, including diet. While there’s a growing trend towards veganism, often equated with being humane to animals, Islam does not prohibit the consumption of animals. Instead, it emphasizes moderation and ethical treatment. Islam teaches that we should not overconsume meat, but it also does not make it haram (forbidden). Humans are naturally omnivores, as reflected in our physical makeup. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sometimes ate meat and sometimes did not, illustrating a balanced approach. Thus,......
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May 2024

Dhikr is an important way to maintain one’s connection with Allah and one’s shield. In the Quran, Allah mentioned: Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, , ‘Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You ; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.’ (3:191) O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance. And exalt Him morning and afternoon. (33:41-42) Those who have believed and whose......
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May 2024

Although it is prohibited to pray any sunnah or nawafil during the time of Fajr, it is permissible to pray qada (missed) salah during this time. If one is a person of sequence, in other words, they never miss their salah, they should pray the missed fard of Isha and then the witr if they are Hanafi or Hanbali, and then they can pray the sunnah and fard of Fajr. The Maliki and Shafi school do not make up missed witr. If one is not a person of sequence, then they should......
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