Jul 2020
The story of Yusuf The story of Yusuf (peace be upon him) is very important in the Quran. In particular, Allah Almighty called it ‘ahsanal qasas’ – the best story. We relate to you, , the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an although you were, before it, among the unaware. Yusuf:3 There are many stories in the Quran including Nuh, Ibrahim and Musa (peace be upon them all) but this story is called the best. What makes it the best? Scholars offered different explanations......
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Jul 2020
Allah Almighty says, O my people, let not your hostility towards me cause you to suffer what was suffered by the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Saleh. The people of Lot are not far away from you.’ Hud:89 Reflecting on these verses, Shu’aib (peace be upon him) found his people were hostile towards him and persecuted him despite that he told them not to let their hostility prevent them from following the truth. All the prophets have brought the same message of compassion and mercy.......
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Jul 2020
Allah Almighty says; The notables who disbelieved among his people said, ‘We see in you nothing but a man like us, and we see that only the worst among us have followed you, those of immature judgment. And we see that you have no advantage over us. In fact, we think you are liars.’ Hud:27 Here we see that people, when called to the message, objected because Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) was: 1. Human 2. Those who followed him had low status – they were not classy believers. Similarly many......
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Jul 2020
Allah Almighty says; As for those who believe and do good deeds, and humble themselves before their Lord—these are the inhabitants of Paradise, where they will abide forever. Hud: 23 The word ‘akhbatu’ (humble) is unique – it appears on only two occasions, once in Surah Hud (al-ladhina akhbatu) and once in Surah Hajj, (wa bashiril mukhbiteen). Yet it is very deep. Who are the al-ladhina akhbatu? Humble and repent Ibn Abbas said ‘akhbatu anabu’ – those who are humble are those who repent and come back to Allah Almighty. Obedient and......
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Jul 2020
Allah Almighty says; Unquestionably, the awliya’ (those close to Allah) there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve Those who believed and were fearing Allah For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah. That is what is the great attainment. Yunus: 62-64 Allah Almighty confirms here that His chosen people who strive hard and steered clear of His prohibitions will have no fear or sadness on the Day of Judgement. In dunya they will......
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Jul 2020
Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) was locked down in the belly of the whale and we too have been stuck in lockdown, but insha’Allah, Allah will release us soon. Like Yunus, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been warning his people but they were not listening: Some of them appear to be listening to you; but can you make the deaf hear, incapable as they are of understanding? (Surat Yunus: 42) Some of them were listening but they did not believe. Some of them look fixedly at you; but......
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Jul 2020
Allah Almighty says ; “Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs. For those their refuge will be the fire because of what they used to earn.” Yunus 7-8 In these verses Allah Almighty is addressing those who deny the akhirah and keep saying there is only the dunya and we have to satisfy our desires in the dunya and that’s it. Others believe in the afterlife but they......
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Sep 2019
The Prostration of Forgetfulness There are two methods of performing sajda al sahw (the prostration of forgetfulness): The Hanafi Method When you reach the last rakat, recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed. Make a single salam to the right. Perform 2 additional prostrations (with subhana rabiyal a’la three times). Complete your salah: Recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed then make dua. End the prayer (as normal) with salam to the right and left. The Shafi’i Method When you reach the last rakat, recite at-tahiyaat till the end innaka Hameedun Majeed.......
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Jul 2019
Sabr – An Active State Many people think that sabr is a passive state. Of waiting patiently. Sabr is more than this. Sabr is an active state. Sabr is a quality that grows with practice. ‘O you who believe, be patient, compete with each other in patience.’ (3:200). To get out of bed and pray fajr requires sabr – you have to fight your pillow and mattress and duvet in order to get up and pray. You also need sabr to refrain from what is haram. This is why Allah has given a special......
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Jul 2019
The Wisdom Your Difficulties in Life Why are we tested? Why me? What did I do to deserve this? The Messenger has believed in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and the believers as well. All have believed in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers. ‘We make no division between any of His Messengers,’ and they have said: ‘We have listened, and obeyed. Our Lord, (we seek) Your pardon! And to You is the return.’ Allah Almighty does not obligate anyone beyond his capacity. For......
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Jul 2019
Is guidance restricted? Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed, then disbelieved, and then increased in disbelief – never will Allah forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way. (4:137) A superficial reading of this ayah and similar ayahs can be misinterpreted if one does not have a deeper understanding of the concept of guidance and free will. Whom does Allah guide? Allah Almighty grants guidance to anyone seeking guidance with sincerity. As He says in the Quran: And those who follow guidance, Allah guides them further......
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Jul 2019
O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort or refuse , then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted. (4:135) Call to believers The call to believers ya ayyuhal ladheena amanu is an indication that a serious announcement is following – either a command......
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Jun 2019
THE POWER TO FORGET Is one man equal to two women? ‘Have two witnesses from among your men, and if two men are not there, then one man and two women from those witnesses whom you like, so that if one of the two women errs, the other woman may remind her.’ (2:282) Does this mean one man is equal to two women? This ayah is often quoted in misogynistic contexts to suggest that in Islam women are inferior to men. This is not the case. There is no suggestion that women are......
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Jun 2019
Marriage is not a life sentence. Breaking taboos Islam is not an alien religion which puts women under threat or expects them to tolerate abuse or harm. Any abuse is haram. I am not in any way promoting or encouraging divorce, or the break up of families and upheaval of children, but if a marriage is abusive or oppressive, there is no imperative that a woman must stay in that relationship. Clearly, we should encourage reconciliation and counselling, and talaq is the only ever last resort, but there is a big difference......
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