
Quran Blog

Jun 2019
avoiding the post ramadan slump

Reflecting on what you gained and hanging on to it Notice the New You We spend quite a bit of time psyching ourselves up before Ramadan. During Ramadan we direct our energy towards purifying ourselves, and all of sudden Eid comes and life, with all its myriad demands, resumes full throttle. So many of us do not usually get a chance to reflect on what we gained over that blessed month. Recognise what you achieved Even though we had shortcomings, may not have achieved all our goals, and felt our ibadah was......

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May 2019
the concept of gradualism

The Concept of Gradualism Tadarruj or gradualism is the introduction of a concept over a period of time so that it is not overwhelming in the first instance. Though we have all the rulings now, and see Islam as black and white package of halal and haram, it is worth remembering that the Quran was revealed over 23 years and the rulings were brought in bit by bit as Islam was established in the hearts and minds of its followers. This means that many things that were prohibited later, were initially accepted......

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May 2019
what have you prepared for the last ten nights? biryani?

Catching the gold dust The last ten nights of Ramadan are just round the corner. Alhamdulilah we wait for Ramadan for 11 months and Ramadan comes full of blessings, khairat and goodness. The Prophet (peace be on him) as Aisha, Ibn Abbas and others (may Allah be pleased with them) narrated, said that he was the most generous person. And his generosity would peak in Ramadan. Being generous beyond generous in the last ten nights Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people and he was the most......

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May 2019
reflections on ramadan

Reflections on Ramadan By Shaykh Haytham Tamim Every year I reflect on Ramadan and try to capture its meaning. Over the years I have accumulated many reflections, here is a selection on what I think Ramadan is about. Glorify what Allah has glorified One of the great tabiyeen, Qatada bin Di’ama as- Sadusi, (61-118 AH) said that Allah Almighty glorified certain things from His creation. He selected messengers from the angels, (for example those who were allocated tasks such as Jibreel who was sent with the revelation to the prophets, or Mikail......

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Apr 2019
Limited vs Unlimited reward. Making your charity count.

Making your charity count. Forever. Allah Almighty reminds us repeatedly, that ‘whatever you spend is for your own good.’ It is up to us. The choice is clear cut. Do we want the reward of our actions to be continuous or can we afford for it to be destroyed? The fruits are dependent on: what we spend why we spend it how we spend it. Allah Almighty explains to us the concept of charity not just by going through the step by step psychological process of giving but also by visual examples......

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Mar 2019
the paradox of giving

  The Paradox of Giving The High Return Investment Strategy     The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain; it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower (2:261) Charity in Islam Spending in the way of Allah Almighty is a lucrative investment. It is an opportunity to gain guaranteed profit in incredible multiples. Just as investors seek out high......

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Mar 2019
intimacy in Islam

Marriage and Intimacy   ‘Your women are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves; and fear Allah, and know that you are to meet Him, and give good news to the believers.’ (2:223) The Essence of Marriage ‘And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.’ (30:21) Allah Almighty Almighty tells......

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Mar 2019
women's cycle and intimacy

A Woman’s Cycle and Intimacy And they ask you about menstruation. Say it is a discomfort; therefore, keep aloof from the women during the menstruation and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who purify themselves. (2:222) Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will......

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Mar 2019
islamic law of ila

The Islamic Law of Ilā’ Those who swear that they will not go in to their wives should wait four months; so if they go back, then Allah is surely Forgiving, Merciful. (226) And if they have resolved on a divorce, then Allah is surely Hearing, Knowing. (227) What is Ila? In the times of jahiliya it was a common practice for Arab men to keep women trapped in dead marriages by taking an oath not to sleep with them forever. Women were left in limbo – not given their conjugal rights but......

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Mar 2019
Loving, Giving and Productive - The Ideal Ummah

The Ummah of the Qur’an Never Sleeps What is the connection between staying awake and spreading the Salam? These two are symptoms of an alert ummah, that is caring and connected – to each other and to Allah Almighty. Those who spend their wealth (in Allah ’s Cause) by night and day, in secret and in public, they shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (2:274) The Caring and Energised Ummah LOVE: Islam is a religion of love – love for Allah......

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Feb 2019
Divorce in Islam

The Divorce 101 There are many misconceptions regarding divorce, particularly in the Indian subcontinent. With TV dramas stringing endless storylines out of these misconceptions, there is much need for clarity on  the topic. Divorce should not be the creation of a problem. It should only be a solution. First Divorce could be – Talaq-Raj’i – revocable In Islam, for a husband to divorce his wife he only needs to state ‘I divorce you’ once. After this there is the waiting period, known as iddah (which is three months). Once the iddah is......

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Feb 2019
can a muslim marry a non Muslim?

Can Muslims Marry Non-Muslims? ‘Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters/mushrikaat) until they believe; a slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman even though she allure you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: a man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever even though he allure you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the fire. But Allah beckons by His grace to the Garden (of Bliss) and forgiveness and makes His Signs clear to mankind: that they may celebrate His praise.’ (2:221) Deen takes precedence over......

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Feb 2019
saving a marriage when it breaking down

 Good marriages need ‘mawadda’ or love plus more. The word comes from 'wud' meaning deep love. Without this essential component, a marriage is a union in which the partners tolerate each other at best and hate each at worst. You can't live with anyone you hate. If hatred controls a marriage, it creates a generation of hatred. Hearts full of hatred are likely to be trouble makers and criminals. By contrast, where there is love, there is mercy....

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Feb 2019
how to make a marriage work

7 Tips for a Successful Marriage Unlike other relationships which we are born into, we make a choice and a commitment in marriage and need to work at it to create love, peace and security. How can a couple improve this within their marriage? Here are 7 tips to improve this sacred relationship. 1. Understanding Roles – Leadership not Dictatorship Men and women are not in competition; they complement and complete each other. They bring differing skills, strengths and qualities to the partnership, which don’t contradict each other.  Women may be more......

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Feb 2019
Debts and Contracts in Islam

Debts – The Nitty Gritty How is it is relevant to us today?  Why did Allah Almighty reveal the longest ayah of the Qur’an about debt? Simply, money concerns us all. All our dealings have financial repercussions. Ayat ul dain (2:282), the longest ayah of the longest surah of the Qur’an relates to debts and contracts. ‘Dain’ means debt, difficulty or deferred payment for a sale. The Big society – making lending practical and bring back trust Money is no joke. People cut off family ties, kill each other and fight wars over it.......

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