Why should I bother? The three benefits of obedience
Reflections on the Benefits of Obedience During my recent Umrah a couple of verses kept playing in my mind all the time, in particular part of an ayah from Surah Nisa: ‘…if they had done...
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What does International Women’s Day have to do with Islam
Women’s Right to Fair Treatment Women’s Day is a reminder that we still have not secured freedom from oppression for women. Isn’t it time that we deliver women the rights that Islam gave them...
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Why Scholars Differ (part 4) – What are Ijtihad and Taqleed?
Ijtihad (reasoning) and Taqleed (imitation) Do I need to follow a madhab? Who is qualified to make Ijihad? What essential knowledge does a mujtahid need? Definition While Ijtihad is the process of systematic legal reasoning...
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Why Scholars Differ (part 3) – Why are there differences between the Schools of Thought
The Differences among the Fuqaha In particular we are focusing on the scientific differences among the fuqaha (jurists) and why we have more than one opinion. The main difference is linguistic difference. The second...
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Why Scholars Differ (part 2)- What are the Origins of the Fiqhi Schools of Thought
The Origins of the Fiqh Schools Fiqh at the Time of the Prophet (peace be on him) During the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be on him) how was fiqh decided? If someone needed a ruling...
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Why Scholars Differ – What is the definition of Shariah and Fiqh (part 1)
Why Scholars Differ This was the first course I delivered in the UK in 2001, but it is as relevant today as it was then, if not more. I used to deliver this course...
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Is My Du’a Blocked? Analysing Why Your Du’a is Not Being Answered
What Causes Du’as to be Rejected? Check Yourself When people are afflicted naturally they turn to Allah Almighty for relief. Some times that relief is not granted. I am frequently asked: How do I know...
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When do we have to obey leaders and scholars and when don’t we
To Obey or Not to Obey? Oh you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those of you who in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to...
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How Do I Know Who is The Best Teacher for Me?
Identifying the Right Teacher Different Types of Teacher There are many different types of scholars in our midst today. Some scholars are strict and literal in their understanding, some liberal and reforming, some practical...
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Why can’t we deny the Sunnah
Denying the Sunnah is Denying the Qur’an And whatever the Messenger has given you take it, and whatever he has forbidden for you refrain from it. Fear Allah. Indeed Allah is severe in His...
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Why can’t we rush the Pursuit of Knowledge
Not Trying to Attain the Impossible If you feel frustrated in pursuing knowledge, it is worth thinking again, as knowledge is not something we can acquire overnight. It is a consistent approach that brings...
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Why is public interest a collective concern
Apathy is Not a Choice for the Muslim Ummah So often we believe it is enough to take care of our individual responsibilities and that what is happening at a social or political level...
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What is Haya? The Concept of Total Protection
Be Shy of Allah Almighty O People, be shy before Allah Almighty as He merits The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Be truly shy from Allah.’ The companions said, ‘O Messenger of...
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(4:27) What is the Difference between Major and Minor Sins?
Knowing Sins. The Big and The Small Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow passions want you to digress a great deviation. (4:27) Just as you can’t challenge a...
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(96:6-7) ‘Because I Can’. Why Sinning is So Easy
Why There is No Limit to Recklessness, Hubris and Greed In a world riddled with oppression and injustice, one wonders why do we sin? Is it forgetfulness or rebelliousness? Or is it just that it...
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