

Aug 2019
kashmir - don't let your brother down

Be One Ummah in the Face of Adversity   A Muslim is a Muslim’s brother. He does not wrong him, or let him down, or hand him over to his enemies, or despise him. (Muslim) Stick to principles Going back to basics, sticking to our principles makes our ummah a special ummah. Unfortunately, with all the challenges our ummah faces, we have lost our principles. The Prophet (peace be on him) confirmed the importance of the unity of the ummah on an individual, community and national level. The Muslim is the brother......

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Aug 2019
assessing your attachment to dunya

Are you in control or under control? In his chapter on greed (at tama’: الطمع), long before Imam Al Ghazali wrote about spirituality, the third century scholar Imam Muhasibi (died in 857AD/243H) has his own unique take on it, and explored it in his beautiful and deep book Ādāb un Nufus. He said you should keep occupied and engaged with asbab al alkhirah (the means of the hereafter) and protect your heart from the means of the dunya. Dealing with the means without relying on it Dealing with the means is not......

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Aug 2019
(3:190) The neglected form of worship

Realising the mundane is extraordinary   ‏In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, are signs for people of understanding. (3:190) Those who remember God while standing, and sitting, and on their sides; and they reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord, You did not create this in vain, glory to You, so protect us from the punishment of the Fire. (3:191) The neglected form of worship – Observation and awe To ponder on the creation of Allah......

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Aug 2019
giving charity. family comes first

  Allah Almighty Almighty mentioned in numerous verses in the Quran that we are tested.  In one of these verses He said: We have created death and life to test which of you is best in his conduct. (67:2) The challenging nature of life Without doubt our tests, tribulations and calamities from Allah Almighty are ongoing till we meet Him. This earth is a dunya of test. So never ever imagine that life can be entirely hassle-free. The akhirah is. But not dunya. Allah Almighty is preparing us to live in the......

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Aug 2019
Hajj Reflections 10 - Lessons on Trust from the Battle of the Ditch

How trust and love can lead to great things   During the preparation for the Battle of the Ditch (when Madinah was surrounded) one big rock could not be moved when digging the ditch. The Prophet (peace be on him) just stroked it once and it sparked, he then said ‘Allahu Akbar, I can see the castles of Shaam.’ The companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were shocked that in the midst of the fear of more than 10,000 enemies approaching to wipe out the Muslims in their homes, he remained......

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Aug 2019
hajj reflections 10 - hudaibiyah

How the event of Hudaibiyah changed history The Prophet (peace be on him) had names for things such as his swords, shields and camel. The Prophet (peace be on him) rode a camel called ‘Al-Qaswa’ during Umrah, which was a very fast and reliable camel. Not all camels can be used for travel – only about 1% can be used for travel and the rest are not that useful. Ibn Umar reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be on him) as saying: You would find people like one hundred camels and you would not......

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Aug 2019
block the 3 windows of shaytan

Getting a grip on Anger, Fear and Sadness Is shaytan more powerful than us or not? Shaytan has the ability to disappear, but you don’t. He can take different shapes but you can’t. He can see you, but you can’t see him. He can influence you, but you can’t influence him. He can come and whisper to you. He can ruin anything you are doing. Without doubt he is powerful. The jinn can also fly. They get from one place to another in a flash. They move things. For instance, in the......

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Aug 2019
hajj reflections 6 - day of arafah

The Day of Gathering Stopping (wuquf) at Arafah is a crucial part of Hajj. Hajj is not accepted if this part was missed. It is one of the 3 pillars or fards of Hajj. The pillars are: Ihram, Wuquf at Arafah and tawaf al-Ifada. If  any of these are missed, or there is a mistake in them, it is impossible to rectify it and the Hajj is not accepted. There are an additional 6 wajibs (obligations) in Hajj. however, can be rectified if a mistake is made in them. The Prophet (peace be on him) went from Mina to......

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Aug 2019
hajj reflections taqwa and ikhlas

Transformation Hajj is not a tick box exercise. Allah Almighty uses Hajj as training for us to change our bad habits. It’s not about ticking off tawaf and sa’ee and standing in Arafat. These are not the end but the means to the end. Hajj is about personal transformation. For this reason the Prophet (peace be on him) said ‘The reward for accepted Hajj is nothing but Jannah’. (Musnad Ahmad) Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever performs Hajj for Allah’s pleasure and does not have sexual relations......

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Aug 2019
hajj reflections - tawaf and sa'ee

Spiritual dimension of Ihram (over the dimension of desires) Hajj is a special journey to al-akhirah (the life Hereafter) just as salah is a journey to heavens. When performing Hajj it is as though you are going to al-akhirah and you never know if you will return from Hajj. You might as well not say to friends and family that you are going to Hajj, but instead inform them that you may be going to Allah Almighty. This is one of the wisdoms for seeking forgiveness before your journey in case you don’t return. The significance of ihram  Ihram is like a......

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Jul 2019
liars and oppressive leaders

Don’t side with liars In an authentic hadith, Khabbab bin Al-Aratt reported: I was sitting next to the door of the Prophet (peace be on him) and when he came out he said ‘Listen to me’ and we replied, ‘We are listening, ya Rasul Allah’ and he said ‘There will be, after me, leaders who will lie to you, and commit oppression among you. Whosoever believes their lies or helps them in their oppression he is none of me and I am not of him and he will not come near my......

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Jul 2019
Choosing a partner for life partner to the afterlife? Finding Mr or Miss Right

Understanding the deeper purpose of marriage and entering into it with the right partner   Allah Almighty mentioned in Surah Nisa: But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a great amount , do not take from it anything. Would you take it in injustice and manifest sin? And how could you take it while you have gone in unto each other and they have taken from you a firm covenant? (4:20-21) The Significance of the Firm Covenant Without going into......

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Jul 2019
how to be patient. 8 ways to improve sabr

Sabr – An Active State Many people think that sabr is a passive state. Of waiting patiently. Sabr is more than this. Sabr is an active state. Sabr is a quality that grows with practice. ‘O you who believe, be patient, compete with each other in patience.’ (3:200). To get out of bed and pray fajr requires sabr – you have to fight your pillow and mattress and duvet in order to get up and pray. You also need sabr to refrain from what is haram. This is why Allah has given a special......

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Jul 2019
trust in allah

Trusting Allah Reliance on Allah is the core of imaan Allah Almighty loves those who rely on Him. He loves them because it is the core of our imaan. Our aim is to be connected to Allah 24/7 and when that happens your level of tawakkul (reliance) becomes firmer and you reap the rewards of your certainty and reliance. The fruits of tawakkul are the gaining of Allah Almighty’s love. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves Al-Mutawakkileen those who put their trust (in Him). (3:159) Connecting with......

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Jul 2019
fixing broken families

Love is the fortress for our children   And among His signs that He created for you, from among yourselves mates, to dwell with them in tranquility and He put love and mercy among you. In that there are signs for those who reflect. (30:21) We all know this ayah it is recited at every wedding and at walimas and printed on wedding invitations. Tranquility is the core of the home In this ayah, Allah Almighty is addressing a very important issue – sakeena, which is tranquility. The purpose, beyond marriage, is......

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