Mar 2024

The story of the key to the Kaaba ‘Allah commands you to return trusts to those entitled to them, and when you judge between people, judge with justice.’ Scholars of tafseer have commented that this ayah was revealed after the Conquest of Makkah, when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ called ‘Uthman bin Talha (may Allah be pleased with him), the guardian of the key of the Kaaba, to bring him the key. The Prophet’s ﷺ family used to be responsible for giving water to the pilgrims who came for Hajj, and his uncle......
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Mar 2024

Allah chose specific times for Salah (prayer), however Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) showed us the best practice as well as wisdom and flexibility in following these times. He was not rigid in his practice, as many people are today. Instead he led the jama’, but adjusted the time for salah making it practical and accommodated the conditions. It teaches us important lessons about both leadership and what is the best time to perform salah. The example of the Prophet (peace be upon him) demonstrates that he adapted his practice to......
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Mar 2024

You can’t pray before the prayer time starts. Salah is not about your availability; it’s about the time that Allah ordained for the salah. If the salah has started you can pray, but if it has not started, your prayer will not be counted as a valid salah, it will counted as a voluntary (nawafil) salah. Imagine if you woke up in the middle of the night, you say, ‘Alhamdulillah I’m awake now, so I’ll pray Fajr’ and go back to sleep. It’s not Fajr time, you can’t pray before the time......
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Mar 2024

Fasting, which is a pillar of Islam, cannot be underrated. It is an obligation for all Muslim adults who are sane and well. Once you have made the intention to fast, breaking a fast is not a light matter. Not fasting In Ramadan without a valid excuse is punishable. Breaking a fast deliberately without a valid reason carries a penalty. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is not optional The obligation of fasting for is ordained by Allah in Surat al-Baqarah: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ......
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Mar 2024

Allah Almighty said: ‘And do not crave what Allah has given some of you over others.’ In this ayah of Surat an-Nisa, Allah is addressing the very common disease of hasad, envy. For example, if someone is not happy with the division of inheritance that was laid out earlier in the surah, this stems from envy that someone else has more than you. But the real core of envy is a lack of trust in Allah, who alloted these shares. This also applies to other situations. If you are unhappy that......
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Mar 2024

Surat an-Nisa is a Madani surah, like almost all of the long surahs. Allah has dedicated this surah to women because during Jahiliyya times – and even today – the unfair treatment of women persists. This is a very rich surah, addressing many different kinds of relationships: between a husband and wife, between a man and his female relatives, and all kinds of family and community relationships. It even talks about international relations, with various rules for peace and war between countries. Rules of inheritance At the beginning of the surah, Allah......
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Mar 2024

Allah Almighty says in Surat Ale Imran, وَسَارِعُوۤا۟ إِلَىٰ مَغۡفِرَةࣲ مِّن رَّبِّكُمۡ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرۡضُهَا ٱلسَّمَـٰوَ ٰتُ وَٱلۡأَرۡضُ أُعِدَّتۡ لِلۡمُتَّقِینَ Rush towards your Lord’s forgiveness and towards Paradise, which is as wide as the Heavens and the Earth, prepared for those who are Al-muttaqeen (mindful of Allah). Allah is calling us all to hasten towards His forgiveness. The context of these verses are avoiding riba (interest), which is one of the worst sins. The prohibition of riba went through four stages just as the prohibition of alcohol went through four stages before......
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Mar 2024

Half of Surat Ale Imran is about the People of the Book, mainly the Christians. A delegation of about 70 people from Najran in Yemen came and stayed at the mosque and discussed many things with the Prophet (peace be upon him), especially about the nature of Eesa (peace be upon him). The last pages of the surah are almost like a summary. Allah is talking about two groups. On one hand the believers who reflect on the creation of Allah, as He stated: إِنَّ فِى خَلْقِ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ وَٱخْتِلَـٰفِ ٱلَّيْلِ وَٱلنَّهَارِ......
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Mar 2024

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: I heard Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) saying, ‘No Salat (prayer) is to be offered after the morning prayer (Fajr) until the sun rises, or after the afternoon prayer (Asr) until the sun sets.’ ‘There is no Salat (prayer) after the Fajr (morning) prayer.’ Uqba bin Aamir (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: ‘There are three times at which Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) used to forbid us to pray or bury our dead: (a) when the......
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Mar 2024

Following the victory at Badr, in which the Muslims defeated the Quraysh with a resounding victory on 17th Ramadan, the Quraysh wanted revenge. They had lost 70 fighters and 70 were injured, so they returned to fight them at Uhud the next year, with 3000 men. The Muslims began with 1000 men, but 300 abandoned the battle due to negativity spread by the hypocrites amongst them. The Prophet ﷺ was the best leader and strategist. He stationed a dedicated groupof archers on Mount Uhud to protect the army from their rear. When......
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Mar 2024

The concept that someone in difficulty is helped by others pooling their money is rewarding; this is why we have the takaful insurance – the cooperation insurance. It’s a good thing. Thus the concept of insurance is not a bad thing, but the there are two elements which make conventional insurance haram: i) the ambiguity (gharar) Excessive uncertainty or ambiguity in a contract is not permissible. In conventional insurance, there’s often significant uncertainty over whether the insured event will occur and, therefore, whether the insurer will make a payout. Excessive uncertainty is......
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Mar 2024

There are several methods for calculating the time of Fajr prayer, based on different astronomical calculations and interpretations. Common methods include: Fixed Time: This method relies on using a fixed time before sunrise to determine the beginning of Fajr. It could be based on a fixed duration before sunrise, such as one hour or one and a half hours. However, this method doesn’t take into account variations in the duration of twilight throughout the year and at different latitudes. 18-Degree Method (Muslim World League): This method calculates Fajr as the time when......
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Mar 2024

In order for something to be called a sunnah mu’akkadah, an emphasised sunnah, it has to be something the Prophet (peace be upon him) did regularly and did not leave without an excuse. This is the definition of mu’akkadah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) prayed the tarawih 3 nights in a row but on the 4th night he didn’t come out because he was afraid that this would become and obligation for the Ummah that they might find difficult to maintain. ‘Urwa (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that he......
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Mar 2024

The 2 rakahs sunnah which precede Fajr hold a very high status. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The two Rak’ahs (Sunnah) of Fajr are better than this world and all it contains.” (Sahih Muslim) According to the Hanafi school, the two rakahs sunnah before the 2 fard rakahs of Fajr prayer are a confirmed sunnah, and considered wajib. If you miss them, should you make them up? The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to repay even the sunnah salahs which he missed. So if you miss it; you......
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Mar 2024

Performing Duha prayer is highly rewarding. You can pray 2, 4, 6 or 8 rakahs. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “In the morning, charity is due on every joint of the body of everyone of you. Every utterance of Allah’s glorification is an act of charity, every utterance of praise of Him is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Oneness is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Greatness is an act of charity, and enjoining good is an act of charity.......
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