Aug 2018
What Qualities a Teacher of Deen Should Have The observation of Allah Almighty, in the life of a teacher, is perhaps the single most important aspect a teacher should have; the others are secondary features that fall into place when the first is present. As the teacher is acting as a representative of Allah and His Messenger (peace be on him)’ he has placed himself in a position to convey the message that was sent down to Muhammad (peace be on him). We have read already that the scholars are the inheritors......
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Aug 2018
How to Keep Knowledge Safe Moving Away from Student Mentality We all know that from experience that sitting in a classroom as a student is not the same as being in the class as the teacher. The difference is in the preparation. If you were the teacher, you would have prepared the subject matter, what topics to address and the amount of time you allocate to each. You would have also extended your research into other relevant areas to the topic at hand and prepared for potential questions that the student may ask.......
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Jul 2018
How Do You Know When You Have Enough Knowledge to Teach? The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘Allah illuminates (or make radiant the face of) a man (or a woman) who hears a hadith from me, preserves it carefully, and passes it on onto others.’ What You Need before You Spread Knowledge The essence of our religion is spreading peace and love around the world. In order for one to spread peace, one must be in a state of peace. This is accomplished by submitting to the will of Allah,......
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Jul 2018
Inheriting a Lasting Legacy Allah Almighty chooses individuals amongst humanity to lead people to Him. These Messengers are receiving divine revelation from Allah Almighty. It is neither their wealth or possession but rather their knowledge and their responsibility that separates them from the rest of humanity. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets (peace be on them). The prophets (peace be on them) do not leave behind gold coins nor silver coins. They only leave behind knowledge, so whoever takes hold......
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Jun 2018
Road to Paradise The Messenger of Allah Almighty (peace be on him) said: ‘Whosoever travels upon a path, seeking knowledge thereupon, Allah Almighty will ease for him a path to Paradise’ The Physical Road Travelled The ‘travels upon a path’ could be taken literally as one’s physical journey to seek knowledge. Allah Almighty narrates the story of Prophet (peace be on him) Musa (peace be on him) on his quest to seek knowledge: ‘And (remember) when Musa said to his boy-servant: ‘I will not give up (travelling) until I reach the......
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Jun 2018
What gives scholars superiority over others? The Lofty Task of Transmitting Knowledge The blessing of knowledge is essential for the advancement of humanity and its happiness in this life and the next, for knowledge is a lofty blessing whichever form it takes; seeking it is a blessing, benefiting from it and benefiting others by it is a blessing, preserving it and transmitting it to the following generation is a blessing, as is spreading to people. Those who are nearest to the source of knowledge are the scholars. The Messenger of Allah (peace......
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Jun 2018
Does Allah really suffice People of Knowledge? ‘Whosoever acquires an understanding of the religion of Allah, Allah suffice him in his, matters of concerns and provides him sustenance from source which he could not expect.’ (Abu Hanifah heard Abdullah Ibn Jaz’ relate what the Prophet (peace be on him) said in Makkah) Allah Almighty facilitates everything for ordinary people who are just working and living in the world, would He not facilitate a living for people who are trying to attain the nearness to him? People often equate provision with simply......
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Jun 2018
The Greatest Gift is to understand the Deen The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) mentioned one of the greatest virtues of knowledge as recorded by Imam Bukhari, he said: ‘Whomsoever Allah wishes good for, He gives him understanding in Deen (religion)’ The person who finds Deen understands the basic principles of this life and the next life to come. He comes to understand three basic aspects to his existence in this world, namely, how he came to exist, why he exists or what is behind the purpose of his......
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May 2018
How can you worship Allah as if you are seeing Him? Love As we cannot physical see Allah Almighty we can feel His presence strongly in the heart. The realisation of Allah’s presence, by His knowledge and mercy, is so great that the person feels he is witnessing Allah Almighty in front of him. The person’s thought and mind become completely attuned to the act of worship that he is performing. So in essence it is as if he is worshipping Allah while seeing Him. This leads to an enhanced obedience as......
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May 2018
Attaining excellence with the right foundation From the hadith Jibreel found in the collection of Imam Bukhari, we can ascertain the basics of our religion. The religion of Islam in a simplistic view can be separated into three categories. Firstly, Imaan – the belief in Allah, His Angels, His divine books, His Prophet’s (peace be on him), belief in destiny and the belief in the Hereafter. Imaan is the theological aspect of the religion. Secondly, Islam – The testimony in the belief of Allah, the Salah, Fasting in Ramadan, Zakat and Hajj.......
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May 2018
Levels of Knowledge True knowledge leads to insight which in turn raises our rank in the eyes of Allah and confers a level of responsibility and leadership. Not everyone, however, who acquires knowledge attains this level. A closer examination reveals what differentiates the ranks of those who seek knowledge. Above every possessor of knowledge there is one who knows more and the One who knows all. When the Angels were gathered and Allah said to them: ‘Tell Me the names of these things if you are truthful.’ The Angels replied, ‘Glory be......
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May 2018
Should we seek any knowledge? What are the signs of beneficial knowledge? When we say ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge’ we are not specifying the type of knowledge we want Allah to grant us, as Allah did not want to restrict the knowledge to any particular science but rather left it open to include all knowledge that benefits you and your community. The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) used to say after the dawn prayer: ‘O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, acceptable action, and good provision.’ ......
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May 2018
The connection between knowledge and spirituality How does knowledge lead to illumination? Why knowledge is a lifelong quest. Why we need knowledge more than food and water And say (Muhammad): ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.’ The more we know the more we feel closer to Allah. And for this reason, the Messenger of Allah used to make this supplication as it was mentioned in the Qur’an. When Allah mentions increase in the Qur’an, He refers to two things; knowledge and piety. The more knowledge you have, the more......
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Apr 2018
Why is it necessary to seek knowledge? What do we gain from it? There are many hadiths showing the virtues and merits of knowledge. In the following hadith reported by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘Whoever follows a path searching for knowledge, Allah will ease for him onto a path towards paradise.’ So this shows us the great excellence of the students of knowledge. Seeking knowledge is a path, a way towards His pleasure, a way to Allah,......
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Apr 2018
What is the secret to effective learning? Where do students go wrong in the acquisition of knowledge? ‘And say, My Lord increase me in knowledge’ (20:114) Many Muslims know that seeking knowledge is encouraged in Islam, but few know what is necessary as far as intention, deeds, manners and etiquettes when seeking knowledge. The more you know the more you feel closer to Allah. The true experience of seeking knowledge can be transformational and joyous. If your seeking is coupled with clear and pure intention, love and determination, the process itself cannot......
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