Kashmir – Do not let your brother down
Be One Ummah in the Face of Adversity A Muslim is a Muslim’s brother. He does not wrong him, or let him down, or hand him over to his enemies, or despise him....
Be One Ummah in the Face of Adversity A Muslim is a Muslim’s brother. He does not wrong him, or let him down, or hand him over to his enemies, or despise him....
Allah Almighty Almighty mentioned in numerous verses in the Quran that we are tested. In one of these verses He said: We have created death and life to test which of you is...
Sabr – An Active State Many people think that sabr is a passive state. Of waiting patiently. Sabr is more than this. Sabr is an active state. Sabr is a quality that grows with practice. ‘O...
Marriage is not a life sentence. Breaking taboos Islam is not an alien religion which puts women under threat or expects them to tolerate abuse or harm. Any abuse is haram. I am not...
Making your charity count. Forever. Allah Almighty reminds us repeatedly, that ‘whatever you spend is for your own good.’ It is up to us. The choice is clear cut. Do we want the reward...
Managing Wealth How much do we actually need? How much do we waste and how much do we save? A prudent person should cover their basic needs, spend and lend and then invest in...
At the time the ayahs about riba and debt were revealed, people did not trust each other. There was an atmosphere not just of mistrust, but also greed and exploitation. The rich controlled wealth...
Praying for the Impossible Why We Should Never Give Up Hope. Remember when Imran’s wife said: ‘O my Lord, I have vowed that what is in my womb will be devoted exclusively for You. So,...
Standing Together Against Oppression On the authority of Abu Najeeh al-Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger (peace be on him) delivered an admonition that made our hearts...
Beware the Green-Eyed Monster Do not covet something in which Allah has made some of you superior to others. For men there is a share of what they earned, and for women there is...
What do I need to know about Rizq? We spend our lives chasing our rizq. Trying to make ends meet, to increase our wealth and spending it. What do we need to keep in...
Spreading LOVE when there is HATE. What can we do when we feel helpless watching disasters unfold all over the world? What should our response be? Can we afford to sit back and watch...
Delivered 2017. Physical, mental, and social benefits of Ramadan and fasting.
Delivered 2015. An explanation of zakat and sadaqa, and a discussion of why charity is beneficial to both individuals and society as a whole.
Delivered 2012. A more detailed explanation of what charity means in Islam. Includes many useful hadith and ayat about charity
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