
Search Results for: donate

Utrujj Talks: Understanding Neurodiversity

Our first talk in our series of Utrujj Talks is by expert Dr Saania Bhatti on Understanding Neurodiversity. Dr. Bhatti, a GP with a specialist role in mental health and neurodiversity,  demystifies neurodivergence and...

We can all be miracles

Surat al-Qalam was one of the earliest revelations to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). Of course, it wasn’t the whole surah: as with most revelation, the surah was revealed a few verses...

Rulings around divorce

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) described divorce as ‘the most hated of permissible acts' to Allah It’s disliked, but it’s still permissible: if you hit a dead end, you have...

Present your case to Allah

The story of Khawla bint Tha’laba Surat al-Mujadilah, which is a Madani surah with has an interesting story behind it. Khawla bint Tha’laba was a female Companion of the Prophet (peace be on him),...

Salah is your imaan-charger

Salah energises us, rejuvenates us, empowers us to face the tests we go through every day. This is why we have five prayers, not just one: because we face continuous tests all day, from...