
Monthly Archives: June 2023

Jun 2023
No one can destroy the Quran. No matter how hard they try.

Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it. (15:9) Allah Almighty has promised that He will protect the Quran – the final message. Allah Almighty promised clearly to preserve it. He never promised to protect any other previous revelation because the final Book and the lasting message is the Quran, and we can rest assured that no one can touch it. As Allah Almighty stated: إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِالذِّكْرِ لَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ ۖ وَإِنَّهُ لَكِتَابٌ عَزِيزٌ Those......

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Jun 2023
What Eid al Adha teaches us about making choices

The story of Eid therefore embodies the principle of certainty (yaqeen), commitment and sacrifice. Every Eid we are reminded of the story of Ibrahim (peace be upon him). He is the symbol of sacrifice. When he was commanded to sacrifice his son, he had absolute certainty (yaqeen) in Allah Almighty and true tawakkul (trust). It was a test of his imaan. A test of his commitment to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty did not want Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to sacrifice Ismail (peace be upon him) otherwise the sunnah every Eid would......

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Jun 2023
Can I combine maghrib and isha during the Summer?

During the Summer when Maghrib and Isha are very late and Fajr is just a few hours after Isha, many people struggle with praying on time. The best solution is to pray Maghrib and then pray Isha immediately after it (before Isha has started) and then go to sleep straightaway. Otherwise you will struggle to wake for Fajr. This is based on the fatwa by the European Fatwa Council, who issued a fatwa permitting the combination of Maghrib and Isha prayers during the summer months due to the late timing of Isha,......

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Jun 2023
What should I do if my mosque says the Day or Arafah is different from the day the Hajjis go to Arafah?

Although I recommend people to follow their local community when it comes to fasting in Ramadan and celebrating Eid, I would not recommend anyone to fast on the day the Hajjis are celebrating Eid. The Ummah should unite during the days of Dhul Hijjah. We should show solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are performing Hajj. It breaks the spirit of unity that Hajj embodies to suggest that millions of Hajjis standing on the plains of Arafat are in the wrong. Therefore I would recommend all Muslims who are able to......

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Jun 2023
Knowing Allah through His beautiful names 7b: Ad Dhahir and Al Batin

Ad Dhahir wal Batin, the Evident and the Hidden Know Allah Almighty through the manifestation of His creation Ad Dhahir in Arabic comes from dhahara which means to appear, to be very clear, very obvious, and dhahir i.e. evident. In Arabic dhara means obvious and so this is why Dhuhr prayer is when the sun is in the middle of the sky, it is very obvious, dhaahir, no can dispute it. How is Allah Almighty evident when we cannot see Him? Allah Almighty states in the Quran that He cannot be grasped......

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Jun 2023
Knowing Allah through His beautiful names 7a: Getting close to Allah

“He who knows the name of his Lord, forgets his own name” – Imam al Qushayri Imam al Qushayri, one of the greatest scholars in spirituality and in the purification of the heart, ethically and morally in his beautiful book at-Tahbeer mentioned many wisdoms related to the names of Allah Almighty. One of these is that the who knows the name of his Lord, forgets his own name.  This is so beautiful and so sweet. It means that if you know Allah Almighty properly, you will forget your name. It means you......

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Jun 2023
the virtues of the first ten days of dhul hijjah

The sacred months Dhul Qa’dah, Dhul Hijjah, and Muharram are the three consecutive prohibited months – meaning that no one was permitted to fight any battles during these months, or use their arms against anyone else, so that security was assured in this period and it gave safe passage to pilgrims traveling to Makkah to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) in Dhul Hijjah. Hajj takes place from 8th Dhul Hijjah until 13th Dhul Hijjah and the period before and after that allows for the travel time, as it would take many weeks to reach......

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Jun 2023
Protect your eyes to keep them on the prize

Allah created our eyes and we should be thankful for them. Showing gratitude for them should be in using them in obedience to Him, so the gratitude for the hearing that he does not hear except with God and for God, and the gratitude of the sight that he does not look except with God for God, and the gratitude of the heart that he does not bear witness to other than God, and that he loves nothing but God through him....

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Jun 2023
Knowing Allah through His beautiful names 6b: How to reflect Allah's name Al Noor in your life

Allah Almighty is An-Noor There are four names connected to the Allah Almighty’s existence. The first one, Al Haqq, the second one is An-Noor. An-Noor means the light, or the Provider of Light, or the Creator of Light and Guidance. There are different translations. The origin of the word An-Noor in Arabic is from 3 letters. (The majority of Arabic words are based on a root of 3 letters, some are derived from 4 letters, and then a minority come from a 5-6 letter root). An-Noor is derived from the letters, noon,......

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Jun 2023
Knowing Allah through His beautiful names 6a: How to reflect Allah's name Al Haqq in your life

Allah Almighty is Al Haqq One of Allah Almighty’s names is Al Haqq.  When you search in the Quran for this name, this word Al Haqq, there are many verses talking about His name Al Haqq, for instance, huwalaahulladhi laa ilaaha illah hu, So He is Allah Almighty no God but He They all return to Allah Almighty their true master. The word al Haqq in Arabic derives from 3 letters, Ha and double Qaf. Although you write it as two letters, the Qaf has shadda over it. This is why in......

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Jun 2023
Why do we throw three handfuls of soil into the grave before filling it?

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) performed the funeral prayer on a deceased (Muslim) and then came to his grave and threw three handfuls of dirt at the direction of his head. (Ibn Majah) He is reported to have recited these verses when his daughter Sayyidah Umm Kulthum (may Allah be pleased with her) was positioned in her grave. (Musnad Ahmad) ...

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Jun 2023
Spiritual Dimensions of Hajj

Uncover the spiritual essence of Hajj and take a journey within. Embark on a transformative pilgrimage with Shaykh Haytham Tamim as he explores the hidden meanings behind the time, place, and rituals of Hajj. With profound wisdom and clarity, Shaykh Haytham unveils the spiritual treasures – from the tawaf around the Ka’abah to the poignant standing on the plains of Arafat, he guides you to see how each moment on your journey connects you to the divine. Shaykh Haytham as always imbues his vast knowledge of Islamic teachings with simplicity and clarity.......

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