
Author Archives: Samia Ahmed

Samia Ahmed

Samia Ahmed is the founder of Blossoming Believers, a project focused on engaging children in learning about Islam through teaching and children’s books and resources. With a background in education and extensive involvement in organisations like the Utrujj Foundation and Islamic Relief, Samia has produced educational materials for schools, delivered assemblies, and co-written publications. She holds a Masters in Islamic Studies. Samia’s goal is to create books for children that promote life skills based on Islamic teachings, making Islam simple and relevant to modern-day challenges.

Palestine: we feel your pain
in Khutbah

Palestine: we feel your pain

The conflict in Palestine has caused much distress and concern, with many people suffering for nearly years. As Muslims, it’s natural for us to feel heartbroken when we witness such suffering, but we can take...

November 13, 2023