
Tag: light

Sep 2021
Ghazali on how to bring light to your heart. Tips on following the Sunnah

We are still reading from the book of Imam Ghazali Kitaab Al-Arba’in Fi Usul ad-Din, The Forty Principles of the Religion, which is a summary of his great work, Ihya Ulum ad-Din.    In his chapter on Following the Sunnah, he talks about the importance of following the Prophet (peace be on him) and establishing a bondship with him. Not just following him in ibadah but in all spheres of our life. Internal and external aspects of following the sunnah Ghazali mentioned how wudu has an impact on the soul. Its effect......

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Jul 2020
Engage your heart

  Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) was locked down in the belly of the whale and we too have been stuck in lockdown, but insha’Allah, Allah will release us soon. Like Yunus, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had been warning his people but they were not listening: Some of them appear to be listening to you; but can you make the deaf hear, incapable as they are of understanding? (Surat Yunus: 42) Some of them were listening but they did not believe. Some of them look fixedly at you; but......

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Feb 2019
the truth has light. Don't be misled by fake shaykhs

  ‘They want to extinguish the light of Allah Almighty but Allah Almighty will complete His light, even though the disbelievers dislike it’. (9:32 and 61:8) Allah Almighty is highlighting the fact that whenever we have the truth, there are always enemies against it. The truth always faces challenges. How can we identify those who are misrepresenting and tarnishing Islam by commercialising and politicising the deen? The Challenge to the Truth Throughout our history today until the Day of Judgement, there is an on-going challenge between truth and falsehood. Ever since, Allah......

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Feb 2019
The Comprehensive Du'a - When You Want Everything!

Du’a is an act of worship that draws us closer to Allah Almighty. In making du’a, the supplicant acknowledges their complete dependence on and need for the One who created, nurtures, and sustains them—and to whom they will ultimately and inevitably return. Since our needs are infinite and endless, one of the best ways to address all that we require is by making a comprehensive du’a. When Allah Almighty’s generosity of is so vast that He can grant anything then why not ask for everything we need? What is the best way of......

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Dec 2018
When Islam is like oxygen in yourl ife

The Importance of Connecting with Allah The Benefits of Dhikr ‘We dye ourselves with the colouring of Allah! For who is better in colouring than Allah?  We are to worship none but Him.’ (2:138) Allah Almighty has endowed us with fitrah so that we may recognise the Truth. The truth is like a dye, which soaks deep into fabric leaving a permanent stain. In this ayah, Allah Almighty talks about ‘sibghah’: a dye. Imaan comes to us like the dye that changes the colour of cloth; it changes the very fabric of......

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