Sep 2022
Ghazali lived in 5th century Hijri and his book, Kitaab Al-Arba’in Fi Usul ad-Din, ‘The Forty Principles of the Religion,’ which he wrote before his death, is a summary of Ihya Ulumuddin (Revival of the Sciences of the Religion), and his life’s works and thoughts. In the last ten principles of the forty, he looks at good traits that we should adopt and nurture within ourselves. The first is tawbah (repentance); the second is khawf (fear) and the third is zuhd (asceticism), the fourth quality is sabr (patience). The fifth quality is......
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Mar 2018
How to address nobility When we communicate with Allah Almighty, how do we start? How can we express our needs to Him without being rude or gauche? All praise (and thanks) belong to Allah, Lord of all the worlds (1:1) Anyone appearing before majesty would feel inadequate, perhaps speechless unless they had been taught the correct manner of addressing nobility. So Allah Almighty has taught us the perfect etiquette for our dialogue with Him. Allah Almighty shows us the correct protocol of undertaking any task is starting with isti’adha (seeking His......
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Mar 2018
Traditionally we say bismillah before many things. Is it just cultural or is there more to it? And what happens if we don’t say it? In need of protection As accomplished as we think we are as a species, it just takes a mere glance from a plane to remind us just how tiny we are. A speck in the world, let alone in our grand, expanding universe. Not just small, we are utterly powerless. After all, life is a fatal condition. Unlike other species, who have wider vision, we can only......
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Mar 2018
The Essence of the Entire Quran How the perfect beginning reflects the perfection of its Creator In the Name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds The All Merciful, the Very Merciful The Master of the Day of Judgement. You alone we worship and from You alone we seek help. Guide us in the straight path The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have......
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