Jul 2023
What is Salatul Tasbih? It is a voluntary 4 rakahs salah which is called Salatul Tasbih because it entails reciting 300 times tasbih in various positions during the salah. Is the Salatul Tasbih a sunnah? This salah is a voluntary salah which is purported to elicit huge forgiveness as per the narration of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), which some scholars dispute, but is nevertheless a good narration. Narrated by Abu Dawoud, Ibn Majah, Daraqutni, Bayhaqi, Tabarani and Ibn Khuzaymah and many others. What are the rewards of Salatul......
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Jul 2023
The tasbih, tahmeed, tahleel and takbir We are familiar with the phrases Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar, wa la illaha illallah. We recite them in our Salah and after the Salah and before we sleep. It does not matter which order you say them. There are many narrations which show how much the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasised repeating them. He confirmed that the four phrases – the tasbih, tahmeed, tahleel, and takbir – are the most beloved words to Allah after the Quran. Why are they significant? The reason is that......
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Jul 2023
The Etiquettes of Wudu The wudu is divinely prescribed (tawqifi). It was demonstrated by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to his companions. The differences of opinion between the different schools arise due to their using different narrations. It is not the case Imam Abu Hanifa, or Malik or Shafi are creating their own styles of wudu; there is no way a faqhi will rely on his own opinion in these matters. Ali and Uthman (may Allah be pleased with them) would perform wudu in public to show them how they saw......
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