
Daily Archives: August 22, 2022

Aug 2022
What Islam can offer us today

What can Islam offer us today? Connect people to God You could talk for volumes on this question, but let me summarise. Firstly, we must understand that Islam is a divine revelation, so the first thing the revelation does is to connect people with God. Continuity of the divine message since time began From the time of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, til Muhammad (peace be on them all), the divine message has been sent down to mankind. The message has always been the same, as mankind has remained the same. Despite......

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Aug 2022
Navigating the menopause. Taboo or not taboo? What every man and woman should know.

Should the menopause be taboo or not? The topic of menopause has been taboo for centuries and particularly within culture, it is not a topic that one likes to discuss publicly. Yet the Quran never shies away from uncomfortable or embarrassing topics, rather it broaches them in a positive way. We certainly need more awareness of this topic as it affects half the population directly and the rest of it indirectly by being in the company of women who are going through it at some point in time. Though it is expected......

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