
Tag: usury

Feb 2019
The Issue with Riba

RIBA – Worse Than Any Other Vice Neither Wrong Nor Be Wronged   What is riba? How bad is it? Why did Allah Almighty ban it? Finance is so complicated now. Aren’t times different now from then. Do the ayahs on riba still apply today? At the time the Qur’an was revealed, an atmosphere of greed and exploitation prevailed and society was steeped in ‘riba’. The ayahs prohibiting riba came as a massive shock and challenge to the community. It is still a challenge for us today. What is Riba? Riba literally means increase.......

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Feb 2019
is my du'a blocked?

What Causes Du’as to be Rejected? Check Yourself When people are afflicted naturally they turn to Allah Almighty for relief. Some times that relief is not granted. I am frequently asked: How do I know if I am being tested or punished? The answer to this question lies with you. You need to analyse why an affliction is not being removed, even though you are suffering and praying so much. Could it be that you are displeasing Allah and He is giving you the chance to turn back to Him? In the famous hadith,......

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