Where does it say that alcohol is prohibited in the Quran (part 1)
The prohibition of alcohol was introduced gradually. It happened in stages. This is gradualism. As Islam was revealed over 23 years, the dos and dont’s were not delivered in a single complete package as...
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Find the halal. Don’t just censure the haram.
Where’s the halal? ‘…They say trade is but like riba,’ while Allah has permitted trade, and prohibited riba. So, whoever receives an advice from his Lord and desists (from indulging in riba), then what...
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The concept of gradualism – how Islamic rulings were phased in when the time was right.
The Concept of Gradualism Tadarruj or gradualism is the introduction of a concept over a period of time so that it is not overwhelming in the first instance. Though we have all the rulings...
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