May 2018
The connection between knowledge and spirituality How does knowledge lead to illumination? Why knowledge is a lifelong quest. Why we need knowledge more than food and water And say (Muhammad): ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.’ The more we know the more we feel closer to Allah. And for this reason, the Messenger of Allah used to make this supplication as it was mentioned in the Qur’an. When Allah mentions increase in the Qur’an, He refers to two things; knowledge and piety. The more knowledge you have, the more......
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May 2018
The enigmatic letters and what they teach us What do we know about the mystery of the opening letters of Surah Baqarah? Can we ever know their real meaning? Alif. Laam. Meem. (2:1) These letters are the puzzling opening of Surah Baqarah. Though there is some discussion it is generally agreed that the basmallah is not part of the surah. Mystifyingly, the very first statement we are given in answer to the request for guidance posed by Surah Al Fatiha is this collection of three letters, whose meaning is unknown to us.......
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May 2018
What can we gain by studying this lengthy surah? What is its significance? And why is it called The Cow? To the novice, beginning their journey of the Qur’an, Surah Al Baqarah can seem somewhat daunting – so lengthy, comprehensive and detailed. Yet, when we look closely at it, it is simultaneously the answer to any philosophical quest about our existence, as well the practical, no-nonsense ‘how to’ guide for all our everyday queries. This surah is a very clear account of Allah Almighty Almighty’s expectations of us and revelation of......
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Apr 2018
What are the key points to bear in mind when reciting Surah Fatiha? The richness of Surah Al Fatiha cannot be over-estimated, as it sets out what we believe (aqeeda) as well as what we need to do (action). Poised delicately between hope and fear, through this surah, we glimpse the vastness of Allah’s love as well as the potential devastation of letting ourselves down and facing His wrath. In seven brief ayahs Allah Almighty gives us spiritual, psychological and physical healing, guidance and direction. The main points to remember are:......
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Apr 2018
Why is it necessary to seek knowledge? What do we gain from it? There are many hadiths showing the virtues and merits of knowledge. In the following hadith reported by Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: ‘Whoever follows a path searching for knowledge, Allah will ease for him onto a path towards paradise.’ So this shows us the great excellence of the students of knowledge. Seeking knowledge is a path, a way towards His pleasure, a way to Allah,......
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Apr 2018
The Straight Path – the shortest route Is guidance innate, or do we need help to find the straight path? Can we rely on others or do we have to make an effort ourselves to be rightly guided? ‘Take us on the straight path The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray’ (1:5-7) Finding the way In physics we learn that the shortest distance between two fixed points is a straight line. There......
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Apr 2018
What is the secret to effective learning? Where do students go wrong in the acquisition of knowledge? ‘And say, My Lord increase me in knowledge’ (20:114) Many Muslims know that seeking knowledge is encouraged in Islam, but few know what is necessary as far as intention, deeds, manners and etiquettes when seeking knowledge. The more you know the more you feel closer to Allah. The true experience of seeking knowledge can be transformational and joyous. If your seeking is coupled with clear and pure intention, love and determination, the process itself cannot......
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Apr 2018
How do we seek help from Allah? Can we invoke help from the blessed Prophet (peace be upon him)? You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help. (1:5) Once we have praised Allah Almighty and recognised that He is the source of everything we have, we turn to Him in worship and need. There is an emphasis on the fact we worship Allah exclusively inherent in the structure of the sentence: ‘You alone do we worship, from You alone do we seek help.’ The alternative construction would......
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Mar 2018
Lord of All the Worlds: We can only find our place in the universe by getting to know who created us All Praise unto Allah, Lord of the worlds The All Merciful, the Very Merciful The Master of the Day of Requital (1:2-4) The Qur’an begins with Praise of Allah Almighty, and then goes on to describe Allah as ‘Rabb’. Rabb means Lord, but as anyone can be a lord, (including the Arabic for ‘man of the house’, which is ‘rabb al bayt’) the full phrase is Rabbil Alameen – Lord......
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Mar 2018
How to address nobility When we communicate with Allah Almighty, how do we start? How can we express our needs to Him without being rude or gauche? All praise (and thanks) belong to Allah, Lord of all the worlds (1:1) Anyone appearing before majesty would feel inadequate, perhaps speechless unless they had been taught the correct manner of addressing nobility. So Allah Almighty has taught us the perfect etiquette for our dialogue with Him. Allah Almighty shows us the correct protocol of undertaking any task is starting with isti’adha (seeking His......
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Mar 2018
Traditionally we say bismillah before many things. Is it just cultural or is there more to it? And what happens if we don’t say it? In need of protection As accomplished as we think we are as a species, it just takes a mere glance from a plane to remind us just how tiny we are. A speck in the world, let alone in our grand, expanding universe. Not just small, we are utterly powerless. After all, life is a fatal condition. Unlike other species, who have wider vision, we can only......
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Mar 2018
How to perform ruqya Healing through the Quran Ruqya is treatment through recitation. Recite the following an odd number of times i.e. 1,3 or 7 times (7 is preferable). It is up to you how many times you recite these. Though you may only recite it once, or you can recite them as much as possible, such as 7 times each. However it has been the experience of shuyukh that reciting them all 3 times is a good practice. Surat al Fatihah Ayatul Kursi The last two verses from Surat al Baqarah Surat......
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Mar 2018
The Essence of the Entire Quran How the perfect beginning reflects the perfection of its Creator In the Name of Allah, the Most Kind, the Most Merciful. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds The All Merciful, the Very Merciful The Master of the Day of Judgement. You alone we worship and from You alone we seek help. Guide us in the straight path The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have......
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