
Monthly Archives: April 2023

Apr 2023
Don't be a yo-yo. Build a rational attachment to your good deeds, not an emotional one.

A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had a mat and he used it for making an apartment during the night and observed prayer in it, and the people began to pray with him, and he spread it (the mat) during the daytime. The people crowded round him one night. He (the Holy Prophet) then said: O people, perform such acts as you are capable of doing, as Allah will not get tired (of giving rewards) till you get bored and tired (of performing religious......

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Apr 2023
Is it obligatory (wajib) to reply to salam?

Salam means “Peace”, Assalamualaikum means “Peace be upon you.” And Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh means “Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings.” One of the first speeches given by the Prophet (peace be on him) when he arrived in Madinah urged people to say salam – it is the gateway to all interactions and thereby relationships. ‘Abdullah bin Salam (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “When the Prophet (peace be on him) came to Madinah, the people rushed to meet him, and it was said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (peace......

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Apr 2023
What should I do if I forgot to pay zakat al fitr?

Zakat ul Fitr covers any shortcomings in your fasting during Ramadan Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated May Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) prescribed the sadaqah of fitr (alms  relating to the breaking of the fast) as a purification of the fasting from useless and obscene talk and as food for the poor. If anyone pays it before the prayer (of Eid), it will be accepted as zakat. If anyone pays it after the prayer, that will be a sadaqah like other sadaqahs (alms). (Abu Dawoud) If your forget......

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Apr 2023
What happens if Eid falls on Jumu'ah?

Two Eids! Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace be on him) said: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created and on it he was made to enter Paradise. (Muslim) Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Verily, Allah has made this day of Friday a celebration for the Muslims (Ibn Majah) Thus every Jumu’ah is an Eid for Muslims. If Eid falls on a Jumu’ah it is two Eids in......

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Apr 2023
we can all be miracles

Surat al-Qalam was one of the earliest revelations to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). Of course, it wasn’t the whole surah: as with most revelation, the surah was revealed a few verses at a time, the Quran was not revealed surah by surah as we know it now. The Prophet (peace be on him)’s character was his miracle In the beginning of Surat al-Qalam, Allah says to the Prophet (peace be on him): ‘You have the best character.’ When you read the mentions of Musa and Isa in the......

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Apr 2023
Rulings around divorce

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) described divorce as ‘the most hated of permissible acts' to Allah It’s disliked, but it’s still permissible: if you hit a dead end, you have an exit, and this is out of Allah’s mercy. If two people came together with right intention, but then discover that they have personality clash, or cultural clash, or whatever it may be, talaq is the way to leave with ihsan. In Jahiliyya times, they used to divorce their wives and then take them back, and go through......

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Apr 2023
Deal fairly with disbelievers

Be careful who you let in to your community Surat al-Mumtahinah is another Madani surah, all about who to take as your allies, and where to draw the line between the camp of the believers vs the disbelievers and their supporters. The context of surah is that it was revealed during the period when the Quraysh were still resisting the Muslims, and they were fighting various different battles. Some people were still converting and migrating from Makkah to Madinah: al-Mumtahinah means ‘the woman who is investigated’, and the surah is called that......

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Apr 2023
Lessons from Surat al-Hashr

Whatever is made haram in the authentic hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is haram. Some people might say we do not see this prohibition in the Quran. If it is in the authentic Sunnah, it applies. Not every ruling is mentioned in the Quran – the Sunnah is a complementary revelation, and also provides commentary on the Quran....

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Apr 2023
Present your case to Allah

The story of Khawla bint Tha’laba Surat al-Mujadilah, which is a Madani surah with has an interesting story behind it. Khawla bint Tha’laba was a female Companion of the Prophet (peace be on him), who was married to a man named ‘Aws ibn as-Samit. They had had an argument, and he said to her ‘You are to me as the back of my mother.’ This was a common statement among Arabs in Jahiliyya, and it was an infinite prohibition – it wasn’t a divorce, but the husband could not take his wife......

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Apr 2023
He is with you wherever you are

Surat al-Hadid is another Madani surah with plenty of lessons. One of the most important verses is: ‘He is with you wherever you are, and sees whatever you do.’ This is a very scary verse, but it’s also good news. If Allah is with us wherever we go, it means we need to be observant of our actions, words, and intentions. Allah is Ar-Raqeeb, the Watchful, and in His presence we need to be humble. Often we forget about his presence, but this ayah is telling us that He is with......

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Apr 2023
Laylatul Qadr and the reward of congregational worship

Focus on Allah Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) stated that in the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (peace be upon him) would spend the night in prayer, and wake up his family so they could also pray and worship Allah. Our focus on the last ten nights should be worshipping Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) would isolate himself in a tent Aisha would erect for him with bamboo sticks in the mosque. And he would stay awake all night. عَنْ عَائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ......

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Apr 2023
The closest people to Allah on the Day of Judgement

In Surat ar-Rahman, Allah describes Jannah more than Hellfire. Although description of Hellfire do come up in some verses, the majority of surah is addressing the description of Jannah, and the favours which Allah will offer the people of Jannah. Categories on the Day of Judgement The following surah is Surat al-Waqiah, where Allah gives the categorisation of people on the Day of Judgement. The people of the right hand, the people of the left hand, and the sabiqoon, which is a special category. The sabiqoon are the people who are in......

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Apr 2023
Certainty outweighs doubt - is my Wudu still valid? How many Rakahs did I recite?

Have clarity rather than doubt in your affairs اليقين لَا يَزُولُ بِالشَّكِّ There is a maxim in Fiqh that one must not let doubt creep into matters. It is a very wide ranging principle. This maxim has very wide application. This principle enables people to have certainty and block doubts in any affair. Particularly those who let doubts rule their life, and keep repeating actions to be on the safe side. This is a trick of shaytan, who traps people into cycles of doubt and repetition. Instead this principle teaches us to......

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