
Daily Archives: November 13, 2022

Nov 2022
Belief in Jinn

Belief in Jinn Jinn are a very hot topic. Are Jinn real or an illusion or fairy tales? They are definitely not an illusion or creatures from fairy tales. Belief in Jinn, as Muslims, is part of our faith. How do we know Jinn exist when we cannot see them? Our senses do not enable us to assess the existence of Jinn to us, as they are invisible. Sometimes they do show themselves, but not to everyone and not all the time. So we can’t take Jinn to the lab to decide......

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Nov 2022
Ghazali on love (part 2)

Why do we love the Prophet (peace be upon him)? Ghazali likes to link every topic to its roots to examine it. How do we develop love? Ghazali already mentioned that we find everything pleasurable to us beloved, while we find everything painful repulsive and abhorrent. Primarily we experience love through our senses and these cause us to respond positively every time our senses are pleased – be it by fragrance, or taste or touch or sight. These are all external stimuli but we also have in addition we have the internal......

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