Will Allah Accept my Deeds?
What Makes One Deed Acceptable to Allah but Not Another?
‘And say: Work; so Allah will see your work and (so will) His Messenger and the believers; and you shall be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, then He will inform you of what you did.’ (9:105)
Allah Almighty always pushes us towards good deeds through the Qur’an. However it is not only work, but the quality of the work, or the action which is important. If the quality of the action is good the fruits will be sweet. If the action was not conducted correctly the fruits will be bitter. Deeds should be carried out mindfully and purposefully. These are the aspects one should bear in mind to ensure your good deeds are not wasted.
On many occasions Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) was asked about what the most beloved deed to Allah Almighty in this world is. The most beloved deed to Allah Almighty is something that you can do consistently.
Allah’s Messenger (peace upon him) said,
‘Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.’ (Bukhari)
On another occasion the Prophet (peace be on him) replied that the most beloved deed is one that is done with sincerity.
We are an ummah of action not laziness. Our ummah is an active ummah, as in another ayah, Allah Almighty said those who spend their money ‘during the day and during the night’, from which we gather that we are to be active as we are being instructed to spend during the night, not just the day. We are directed to do the actions which please Allah Almighty. This combats laziness.
‘Those who spend their possessions [for the sake of God] by night and by day, secretly and openly, shall have their reward with their Sustainer; and no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve.’ (2:274)
During the final accounting on the Day of Judgement, not all good actions will have positive value. Some people on the Day of Judgement will have actions the size of mountains but they will be like mountains of dust because of the intention behind them was not be for the sake of Allah Almighty but either fully or partially corrupted, for example to receive praise. So don’t feel self-satisfied by the good actions you think you have done.
‘Surely, all actions are but driven by intentions and verily, every man shall have but that which he intended.'(Bukhari and Muslim)
Many books of hadith start with the hadith of intention. Imam ibn Qayyim said,
‘The one who studies the sources of the Shar’iah will know the relationship between the external actions of the limbs and the actions of the heart. The deeds are not [beneficial] without the actions of the heart.The actions of the heart are more of an obligation upon the person than the actions of the limbs. Isn’t a believer distinguished from a hypocrite simply due to the actions in their hearts that are different from each other? Can anyone enter into Islam except by the actions of his heart before the actions of his limbs? The servitude and worship of the heart is greater, more and longer lasting than the servitude of the limbs. They are obligatory in every moment. This is why faith (Emaan) is always obligatory upon the heart . However, the [specific] submission of the limbs is obligatory only at certain times (Prayer, Fasting, etc). The seat of faith is the heart and the seat of Islam [submission] is the external limbs.’
An action has to go through three stages – it should have the intention to purely be to please Allah Almighty, with knowledge and in accordance with the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be on him).
Allah Almighty has commanded the believers to be active and not lazy. Allah Almighty has distributed different talents and favours among His creation. So its not true that some nations our more intelligent than others. There are plenty of intelligent people in this world but they need the right environment or incubator to improve their intellect and sharpen their skills. Plenty of students in the West are coming from abroad and do very well. We need to facilitate the right environment to improve the actions of people. Once Malaysia and Indonesia used to be sub-standard but they changed their curriculum, culture and mentality. And now they are competing with giants.
The quality of our actions decides the result of our action. It is foolishness to keep repeating the same actions in the same environment and sequence and expect the result not to be the same. We can not keep the same curriculum and way of life and expect a change.
Let’s ask Allah Almighty to enable us stick to the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be on him), to motivate us in our knowledge and culture, make our families better and make us better in our implementation of Qu’ran. Ameen.
Khutbah delivered by Shaykh Haytham Tamim
Transcribed by Ayaan Pervez
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