Jan 2023

We are blessed to witness a new day and a new year. Inshallah we are full of optimism, which is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran tells us to be optimistic in many different verses of the Quran, not to mention the very first verse which we recite: Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen in Surat al Fatihah, which sets the tone of optimism. We recite this verse at least 29 times a day (in our Fard salah17+ 12 Sunnah) which teaches us to recognise the blessings and favours of......
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Dec 2021

The end of another year It has been another challenging year globally, for the environment, for families communities and individuals. This year we lost many blessed souls and personally I lost my dear father. May Allah envelop them in His mercy and grant them all jannatul firdaus. As Muslims we have to be people of hope and optimism and look to a future of possibilities rather than dead ends. We pray that Allah Almighty guides us to overcome the obstacles and unplug the blockages in our lives. We pray that Allah inspires......
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Dec 2018

How to Act on Your New Year Resolution New Beginnings and Affecting Change ‘Oh you who believe! Fear Allah and behave with taqwa. Let every soul consider what it has prepared for tomorrow. Allah is surely aware of everything you do.’ (59:18) New Year’s Resolutions Most resolutions blow away with the wind. There’s nothing wrong with them from an Islamic point of view, as long as you are within halal parameters of course. Even just good intentions will be rewarded. Out of Allah’s mercy, He will record your good intentions but not......
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Sep 2018

New Beginnings and Effecting Change ‘Oh you who believe! Fear Allah and behave with taqwa. Let every soul consider what it has prepared for tomorrow. Allah is surely aware of everything you do.’ (59:18) Allah Almighty out of His mercy made the last months of the year special months, and the first month of the year a special month. So Muharram – the beginning of our Islamic Year, begins with a shahr haram (sacred month). The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to encourage his companions to increase their good deeds in......
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