Dec 2022

After Ghazali talked about the topic of mahabba (love) for Allah – the fruits of mahabba and true mahabba, and increasing our love for Allah and His Messenger, He followed it with this topic of contenment (rida), as they are closely linked. Loving Allah and being content with what He destined go together. If you truly love Allah, you cannot be discontented with His will. Otherwise your love is not true love. Ghazali is saying that people of Jannah and people of dunya who are close to Allah have full contentment with......
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Jul 2020

Allah Almighty says; Unquestionably, the awliya’ (those close to Allah) there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve Those who believed and were fearing Allah For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah. That is what is the great attainment. Yunus: 62-64 Allah Almighty confirms here that His chosen people who strive hard and steered clear of His prohibitions will have no fear or sadness on the Day of Judgement. In dunya they will......
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Aug 2019

Are you in control or under control? In his chapter on greed (at tama’: الطمع), long before Imam Al Ghazali wrote about spirituality, the third century scholar Imam Muhasibi (died in 857AD/243H) has his own unique take on it, and explored it in his beautiful and deep book Ādāb un Nufus. He said you should keep occupied and engaged with asbab al alkhirah (the means of the hereafter) and protect your heart from the means of the dunya. Dealing with the means without relying on it Dealing with the means is not......
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