Nov 2019
The one who loves Allah Almighty, he competes in doing whatever that brings him closer (qurba) to Allah Almighty. What is qurbah The word qurb meaning bringing near appears in multiples forms 96 times in the Quran, including muqarrabūn (مُقَرَّبُون) and qareeb, someone who is close physically close or related. Qurbah in the Qur’an Qurbah has been used twice in the Qur’an in (قُرْبَةٌ) singular form and (قُرُبَاتٍ) plural form in the same verse. وَمِنَ ٱلۡأَعۡرَابِ مَن يُؤۡمِنُ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَخِرِ وَيَتَّخِذُ مَا يُنفِقُ قُرُبَـاتٍ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ وَصَلَوَٲتِ ٱلرَّسُولِۚ أَلَآ إِنَّهاَ قُرۡبَةٌ۬ لَّهُمۡۚ......
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Jan 2019
Fear What Tomorrow Holds The Future is Unknown We do not know what will happen tomorrow let alone the rest of our lives. Do not procrastinate or defer things to the future. Today you are fine but tomorrow you may not. Many people have good health today, and then out of the blue, they have cancer, or some kind of debilitating illness which renders them not even half the person they were. It could be in our health or mental well-being, it could be in our environment. 10 years ago, the people......
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Jan 2019
Fear the Sins You have Committed We should fear the sins that we have committed between yourself and Allah Almighty. We should have this fear, and not be of those who are over reliant on His mercy and forgiveness. Yes, Allah Almighty is the All-Merciful and All-Forgiving, but He is also severe in His punishment. “Your Lord is the possessor of boundless Mercy; but His punishment shall not be averted from the sinners.” Having a relaxed attitude to sins will destroy our connection with Allah Almighty. Sins are sins......
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Dec 2018
Fear the Denial of Allah’s Favour One of the legitimate fears Muslims should have is being included in those who deny the favours of Allah; the ones who are ungrateful of the favours that they have received. Kufr – linguistically means to cover something, farmers are called kuffars because they cover the seeds with earth. Kuffran ul-ne’am – denying the favours of Allah, that we cover the favours of Allah Almighty that He has bestowed. Bat’r – the joy of receiving the blessing makes one become forgetful of the One Who gave......
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