
Tag: adab

Aug 2022
The art of questions - part 1. Insight into the minds of the companions through their questions

The art of questioning To ask a question is actually an art. To answer the question requires experience, understanding and knowledge. Not everybody can answer the right question, not everybody can ask the right question. This is why we have the etiquette (adab) of questioning (suwal) known as adab suwal in Arabic, which are the etiquettes of what to ask, what not ask, how to ask, when to ask and so on. Alhamdullilah this is a very unique topic, and one of my favourites. Do we have any recommendations, guidance in the......

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Jul 2022
The correct etiquette of the teacher and the student

Why Etiquettes matter Since the first and second century Hijri, there have been a plethora of books and works on the topic of Adaab-ul-‘Alim-ul-Muta’aalim ‘The Etiquettes of the Scholars and the Knowledge Seekers’. Knowledge of Allah is sacred and was sent to us through His Prophet (peace be upon him), so we deal with it as such. There’s no way to compare sacred knowledge with non-sacred knowledge. This is why many who have studied in the west do not grasp the concept of the etiquettes of knowledge. Meanwhile those who have studied......

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May 2022
The etiquettes of seeking knowledge- Islamic vs Western mentality

Seeking knowledge is our main priority in life. This is why the very first divine word revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was ‘read’. It is incumbent on every believer to seek knowledge, from day 1 verse 1 we are commanded to learn. Anas ibn Malik May Allah be pleased with him reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim. (Ibn Majah) Accordingly we see many verses in the Quran about seeking......

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Apr 2018

What is the secret to effective learning? Where do students go wrong in the acquisition of knowledge? ‘And say, My Lord increase me in knowledge’ (20:114) Many Muslims know that seeking knowledge is encouraged in Islam, but few know what is necessary as far as intention, deeds, manners and etiquettes when seeking knowledge. The more you know the more you feel closer to Allah. The true experience of seeking knowledge can be transformational and joyous. If your seeking is coupled with clear and pure intention, love and determination, the process itself cannot......

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