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How to keep your heart healthy

Reach new spiritual heights by purifying your heart!

As we detox from food, our soul craves to be detoxed spiritually.

Yet certain emotions and patterns of behaviour keep pulling us down.

These emotions affect our behaviour and coat the heart and affect our connection with Allah Almighty.

Our connection with Allah Almighty is the source of all goodness in our life, but can become easily clogged, and block our access to Allah’s light and guidance. If we do not unclog this connection, we become numb.

How can we unclog our hearts?


Course overview

We will examine common spiritual diseases of the hearts, with a special focus on emotions.

This will be an emotional, spiritual and practical journey to diagnose, cure and heal the heart.

We will outline the remedies from the Quran and Sunnah to enable you help cleanse the heart and strengthen your immunity against future disease inshallah.

This course will examine 7 common ailments of the hearts.

They are not always obvious to us and we have them to varying degrees. The good news is that we can reduce them!

1- Kibr: Arrogance, pride and vanity
2- Ghafla: Being distant from Allah by being absorbed and distracted by worldly concerns
3. Hawa:  Love of dunya, materialism, social media, lacking contentment
4- Ghadab: Anger
5- Hasad: Envy
6- Bukhl: Miserliness & greed
7- Nifaq: Hypocrisy

Harness the blessings of Ramadan and focus inwards to what ails your heart and how you can cure it.

Find peace and contentment by working on prophetic traits, like humility, tolerance, generosity and honesty.

Course Outcome

You will learn how to assess that status of your heart, how to treat it and how you can prevent yourself from being re-infected inshallah.

There will be in depth spiritual analysis by Shaykh Haytham Tamim as well how to apply this knowledge practically in our lives. With additional question and answer sessions with the expert advice of Sister Rahma Abdulatif.

Online Course

RECORDINGS of Shaykh Haytham’s session are available to watch in your own time.

To Book:

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Discounts available for multiple bookings. Please contact info@utrujj.org.

In cases of financial hardship please get in touch at info@utrujj.org.

I would like to donate to the Utrujj Foundation Appeal to help spread the knowledge.

Revised Course dates and time

  • 8 sessions of 1 hour each
  • Suitable for Student Profiles**: Busy Bees, New Muslims, Path Seekers and Deep Divers

Shaykh Haytham Tamim

Shaykh Haytham is an expert and a holder of some of the highest Ijazas in Quran, Hadith (the Prophetic traditions) and Fiqh (Islamic rulings).

His knowledge spans the main Islamic jurisprudence schools of thought and different Islamic denominations through highly advanced classical and religious texts.

With 29 links in his chain, Shaykh Haytham’s unbroken chain of scholarship goes back the Prophet (peace be on him). Mashallah he was blessed with the opportunity to study with some of the foremost scholars in their expertise, including the late Professor Wahba Al-Zuhayli, Shaykh Muhammad Sukkar, Professor Mustafa Azami, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Nizam Yaqoubi

He takes a keen interest in promoting love and tolerance within the Muslim community as well within wider society, and voicing the need for social justice. He has a gift for making difficult religious texts accessible to students.

Often consulted by his students for his wise, compassionate and balanced stance, he loves spreading knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah in a way that is authentic, relevant and down to earth.

Sister Rahma Abdulatif

Rahma Abdulatif is a qualified & registered Counsellor and Systemic Family Psychotherapist.
A certified Neural Linguistic Practitioner & Parenting Practitioner.
– Worked as mental health practitioner in Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) within NHS hospital & community clinical settings.
– Worked in secondary school
– worked in local government as a Consultant Systemic Practitioner.
– Her work in Private Practice (with Muslim clients) is influenced by Islamic psychology via the blessings having studied Islam with different qualified teachers within their fields and awarded certificates of achievements.

**Student Profiles

In order to make it easier for our students to attend courses which are suitable for them we have created these fun profiles, see which applies to you and if the course is marked as suitable for your profile.

 Busy Bee – student keen on being busy in learning good in the company of good people, looking for reminders to refresh their knowledge and practice of Islam, or has a busy life so dips into whatever he or she can within their schedule

New Muslims – students who have recently reverted to Islam and are looking for authentic, trusted and reliable knowledge delivered to them in an easy to understand and gentle manner

Path seekers– students who are at the start of their Islamic knowledge journey, keen to learn and understand the foundational knowledge that will help connect better to Islam

Deep divers – students who have been on the path of acquiring knowledge and feel committed to build their technical depth and understand of the various sciences of the Quran  




May 6, 2021 @ 5:00 pm


May 20, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
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