Following your opinion vs following the Sunnah
As Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) observed, ‘If religion was based on opinion the bottom of the khuff (leather socks) would take preference for being wiped to the top of the khuff, but I saw Allah’s messenger (peace be on him) wipe the top of his khuff.’ (Abu Dawud) This is a very important hadith. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was nurtured in the household of the Prophet (peace be on him). His comment is important and unambiguous, directing us to follow the instructions of the Prophet (peace be on him) rather than our own opinions or logic. Follow the Prophet (peace be on him) not your opinion If we followed our logic, we would presume that the bottom of the khuff is dirtier and more in need of being wiped. However, wiping the bottom of the khuff is not part of the ritual, therefore if we wipe the bottom, our wudu is not complete, and we cannot then pray. We have to wipe the top as did the Prophet (peace be on him). How the Prophet (peace be on him) wiped his khuff He used 3 fingers from end of his toes the to beginning of his ankles. Three fingers are the minimum number of fingers used to wipe, you cannot use one finger to wipe. This is how we received it from Prophet (peace be on him). Allah Almighty described wudu clearly in the Qur’an and its practical implementation was shown to the companions by the Prophet (peace be on him). The companions learned by direct observation of him. The prescribed aspects of worship are set in stone The method of wudu is ‘tawqifi’, that is ‘divinely prescribed’. It has to be done as it was taught and cannot be changed based on opinion. It is not open … Continue reading Following your opinion vs following the Sunnah
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