Is it permissible to pray tarawih online?

Praying tarawih in your home while following an imam who is performing the tarawih prayer online is a relatively new phenomenon, which was adopted by some imams, including myself during the unprecedented global pandemic of 2020. No doubt this raised eyebrows and many people have wondered whether it is permissible and why we never performed salah like this before. They have asked if it is permissible to pray like this, why are we not praying behind the Imam live from Makkah? Before people rush to start throwing the term haram at praying the tarawih behind a local imam, it is important to understand how we deem something permissible or impermissible. Exceptional circumstances If anyone finds the prospect of attending tarawih in the masjid difficult, for instance they are worried that they may fall sick, they have the option to follow the tarawih online. Undoubtedly it is preferable to pray tarawih in the masjid. There is more reward and it is the sunnah. However, as it is a sunnah salah, not a fard, there is some flexibility on this matter. The Prophet (peace be on him) used to pray sunnah on his camel sometimes, but never the fard. Therefore, it is permissible in my opinion and that of many renowned scholars to follow a livestreamed salah which is not fard. Other scholars disagree with this, and I respect their opinion. How to follow a live-streamed salah The criteria to follow the imam online is that you have to have a good connection and be in the same time zone, as you have to be able to hear the imam clearly and be aware of the movements of the imam. •Please pray Isha before joining the salah. •Do not place the screen in front of you. •You may join the salah from … Continue reading Is it permissible to pray tarawih online?