Spring clean your life – Part II

How to simplify your life and prioritise it – Part II Don’t make your concern dunya There are many hadith warning us about dunya. Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: The world is sweet and green. Verily, Allah will make you successors in it to see how you will behave. Beware of the world and beware of women. Verily, the first trial of the children of Israel was with women. (Muslim) Dunya is beautiful and green, (green is used by Arabs to describe beauty. And the beauty and the world is a test. Don’t misunderstand, I am not saying don’t work hard and earn your rizq in a halal way. But don’t let dunya dictate your entire life and how you structure your day, your future and your relationship with Allah. Our relationship with Allah dictates how we structure our day and our business. Both deal with dunya, but either you deal with dunya with limits or you let dunya control you and your actions. Resisting the allure of dunya The Prophet (peace be on him) had sent Abu `Ubaida to collect jizia (tax) from Bahrain before they had accepted Islam. And when he returned with money the news went viral on their social media, and everyone turned up to Fajr prayer in excitement. After Prophet (peace be on him) finished his prayer turned his face towards them and was smiling, knowing exactly why the mosque was packed. The Prophet (peace be on him) asked them how they were as he always did and he said; you might have heard that Abu ‘Ubaidah came back from from Bahrain with something? fa abshiru wa ammilu which means ‘be happy and be hopeful’. Abshiru is what you say in Arabic when … Continue reading Spring clean your life – Part II