Aug 2019

Are you in control or under control? In his chapter on greed (at tama’: الطمع), long before Imam Al Ghazali wrote about spirituality, the third century scholar Imam Muhasibi (died in 857AD/243H) has his own unique take on it, and explored it in his beautiful and deep book Ādāb un Nufus. He said you should keep occupied and engaged with asbab al alkhirah (the means of the hereafter) and protect your heart from the means of the dunya. Dealing with the means without relying on it Dealing with the means is not......
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Mar 2019

Being Alone with Allah During my recent umrah, a couple of verses kept playing in my mind, and one of these verses was: And each one will come to Allah on the Day of Resurrection alone. (Maryam 19:95) Ironically, when you do tawaf and saee, you have plenty of people around you, but on the Day of Judgement when you meet Allah Almighty, you are completely and utterly alone. The second ayah that played in my mind was: If they had done what they had been commanded to do, it would have been......
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Dec 2018

Fear a Day that you will receive from Allah Almighty what you didn’t expect We should fear a Day when all the records are laid open, and we find in our books things we didn’t expect. Maybe we were under the impression that most of our deeds and our worship are accepted and we find they were not. Should that be the case, these deeds will not be worth much if they were done without Ikhlaas. What do we do now? “And there will appear to them from Allah Almighty that which......
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