Dec 2022
The importance of Justice Justice is a very important principle in Islam – so much so that it is one of the main pillars, not just of Islam, but any system. If any system fails to deliver justice, it will collapse. The divine message which God revealed to mankind from the first man, Adam till the last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all), came to establish justice and teach people how to establish justice in their lives. In Arabic justice (adl) appears in the Quran 18 times in different verses......
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Aug 2020
Allah Almighty says, God commands justice, and goodness, and generosity towards relatives. And He forbids immorality, and injustice, and oppression. He advises you, so that you may take heed. An-Nahl:90 This particular verse, Abdullah bin Mas’ud said, is the most comprehensive in the Quran. It contains three commands and three prohibitions- justice (adl), goodness (ihsan) and generosity to relatives (eta dhil Qurba). It forbids immorality (fahsha’), evil (munkar) and oppression (baghi). Justice is one of the most important principles in Islam. It’s a universal principle and among the seven categories who will......
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Jan 2019
Know your Self Worth Where do you stand with Allah Almighty? What is your self-worth? Wrongly estimating our own value could have severe repercussions. How then do we ensure that we have a better on handle on where we stand with Allah Almighty? We may weigh little in Allah Almighty ’s eyes, but think we are worth more. Through Allah Almighty’s shield and mercy, He protects our self from others and covers our mistakes/sins and shortcomings, so people have a good opinion of us, but between us and Allah our faults are not......
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Jan 2019
Getting our Priorities Right In the pursuit of goodness it is easy to become side-tracked by worthwhile acts, which may deceptively be shifting your focus from more important acts. How valuable is growing a beard when you are not acquiring your earnings in a halal way? Or praying in the front row when you are treating your wife badly? Or performing tarawih prayers but then missing fajr? Understanding the value of what is important, means we can build strong foundations and then embellish the structure. Rather than risk beautifying a crumbly edifice. The scholar Imam Muhasibi said......
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