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Retreat 2023: A Lasting Legacy

A Lasting Legacy – The Final Wisdom and Wasiyya of the Prophet ﷺ

SOLD OUT! Alhamdulillah

5% discount on bookings of 2 or more rooms!

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Please email info@utrujj.org for all queries

Book below – discounts applied automatically at checkout.

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SOLD OUT Non-residential
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in Wellington Lodge (10minute walk)

* A child is 4 – 16 years old

** For children 0 – 3 years old cot beds are available on request at no charge. Please email info@utrujj.org

*** If you are interested in checking in on Friday, please make your booking for Sat below and then email info@utrujj.org for costs for Friday, you will be able to make the Friday booking separately. Friday stay includes complimentary snacks at 8.15pm and breakfast on Saturday.

**** All rooms are in the main building except the family rooms (2 adults & 2 children) in Wellington Lodge which is a 10-minute walk away.

Bookings are non-refundable.

Welcome to the Retreat

It’s with great pleasure that we are announcing the launch of our first RETREAT since the pandemic!

Bi’idnillah we will be able to gather for the sake of Allah, rekindle the Utrujj friendships, and strengthen our community…

as well as benefit from the uplifting teaching of Shaykh Haytham Tamim, participate in collective worship and be in the company of angels.

What is a day delegate?


Shaykh Haytham Tamim will reflect on the key points from the Prophet’s ﷺ last pieces of advice to his Companions and to us, his Ummah.

He will extract the most important elements of the Prophet’s ﷺ legacy.

The Prophet ﷺ conveyed the message of Islam for 23 years – word by word, verse by verse or surah by surah in portions.

By the end of his life, our religion was complete.

When his time on earth was nearing to a close, he emphasised certain concepts over others.

This was the culmination of his teachings ﷺ – the most VALUABLE ADVICE he could leave the Ummah that he loved so much.

Why was the advice of the Prophet’s ﷺ so valuable?

His ﷺ legacy has to endure through time.

It is to be carried by us, his followers and passed on to our next generation.

Learn what you need to know and to pass on.

What better opportunity to rejuvenate your heart!

Retreat info

The retreat can be attended as a residential delegate or a day delegate (till 5pm on Saturday).

The course will be delivered over multiple teaching sessions throughout the weekend.

Attending as a residential delegate means arriving 11th February Saturday morning between 9:00-9:30am and staying overnight to attend the full schedule of learning and rest over Saturday and Sunday. The retreat ends on 12th February at lunch time.

A detailed timetable will be shared nearer the event.

If you are arriving on Friday evening, check in and check out times will be different, and you will be informed on booking of the timings relevant to you.

There will be opportunities to ASK QUESTIONS, and join in both COLLECTIVE WORSHIP and NIGHT PRAYERS (Qiyam al Layl)

Halal and nutritious buffet meals, a congenial ambience and invigorating natural surroundings serve to provide the detox we so desperately need.

To enjoy the full experience attend as a residential delegate.

Please note that day delegates do not have access to the hotel leisure facilities.

A Whole Family Experience

Utrujj retreats are a whole person, whole family experience.

Leisure time is a staple during the Utrujj retreat, with opportunities to connect with oneself, loved ones, friends new and old.

Children (0-16 years)

We welcome children and have provided a range of activities for children aged 5-15. There is no creche facility for 0-5 year olds. 16 year-olds are expected to attend the main sessions.

If you have a child/ren between 0-5 with you, there is facility for you to listen to the session with your child/ren from a separate room (via livestream) in order not to disturb recording of the session in the main room. There will be activities for children facilitated by parents, but all parents remain responsible for their children at all times. We will be in touch with you with further details on receiving your booking.

The Venue

The Reading Wokefield Park Estate boasts scenic grounds, an onsite pool, gym and sports facilities, as well as exciting outdoor activities.

There will be an option to arrive on Friday evening please write to info@utrujj.org with the details of the residential booking/s and the attendees and we will be able to advise you of costs for Friday night and how to make payment.

Teacher: Shaykh Haytham Tamim

Shaykh Haytham is an expert and a holder of some of the highest Ijazas in Quran, Hadith (the Prophetic traditions) and Fiqh (Islamic rulings).

His knowledge spans the main Islamic jurisprudence schools of thought and different Islamic denominations through highly advanced classical and religious texts.

With 29 links in his chain, Shaykh Haytham’s unbroken chain of scholarship goes back the Prophet (peace be on him). Mashallah he was blessed with the opportunity to study with some of the foremost scholars in their expertise, including the late Professor Wahba Al-Zuhayli, Shaykh Muhammad Sukkar, Professor Mustafa Azami, Mufti Taqi Usmani, Shaykh Nizam Yaqoubi

He takes a keen interest in promoting love and tolerance within the Muslim community as well within wider society, and voicing the need for social justice. He has a gift for making difficult religious texts accessible to students.

Often consulted by his students for his wise, compassionate and balanced stance, he loves spreading knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah in a way that is authentic, relevant and down to earth.


I love the Utrujj retreats! I have been attending Shaykh Haytham’s classes for many years and they are the highlight of my week. I find them enlightening as they combine wisdom and balance and his warm sense of humour. It has given me clarity on how to deal with everyday situations we face in a prophetic manner. A.S North London




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SOLD OUT Non-residential
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in main building
SOLD OUT Room in Wellington Lodge (10minute walk)
* A child is 4 – 16 years old
** For children 0 – 3 years old cot beds are available on request at no charge. Please email info@utrujj.org


February 11, 2023


February 12, 2023
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Wokefield Estate
Wokefield Estate
Reading, United Kingdom


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