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Maryam (AS) – Inspiration from the Best of Women

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Online Course – On Zoom

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Maryam (AS)



At a glance

  • Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th December
  • 10:00 to 12:30 am
  • Live Q&A
  • Suitable for Student Profiles**: Busy Bees, New Muslims and Path Seekers

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Who was Maryam? 

There are many lessons we can extract from the life of this remarkable lady, her unique upbringing, her strengths and her weaknesses. Despite her elevated status, here was a young woman who conversed with angels, and yet who was human after all.

Shaykh Haytham Tamim will reflect on key features in her life which made her who she was as well how she coped with the enormous responsibility placed on her, making her one of the most revered women in history.

Course overview and objective

The course seeks to inspire us to learn from Maryam (AS) life and references in the Quran.  It will elaborate on the status of Maryam (AS) in Islam and the opinions on her prophethood. The course will primarily focus on the description of Maryam (AS) in the Quran and key Hadith and the characteristics which made her one of the Perfect women chosen by Allah (SWT).

Course outcomes

You will learn:

  • a concise summary of the biography of her life from birth to death
  • the opinions on the prophethood status of Maryam (AS) in Islam
  • what and where Maryam (AS) is mentioned in the Quran and selected key Hadith
  • what made Maryam (AS) special
  • why is Maryam (AS) one of the best women in Islam
  • what can we learn from how she handled her unique destiny
  • how did she face her challenges

What made Allah Almighty confer such a high status on her?

You will explore for yourself whilst attending the course what you will carry forward as your development and growth goals for 2020.

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**Student Profiles

In order to make it easier for our students to attend courses which are suitable for them we have created these fun profiles, see which applies to you and if the course is marked as suitable for your profile.

 Busy Bee – student keen on being busy in learning good in the company of good people, looking for reminders to refresh their knowledge and practice of Islam, or has a busy life so dips into whatever he or she can within their schedule

Path seekers– students who are at the start of their Islamic knowledge journey, keen to learn and understand the foundational knowledge that will help connect better to Islam

Deep divers – students who have been on the path of acquiring knowledge and feel committed to build their technical depth and understand of the various sciences of the Quran  New Muslims – students who have recently reverted to Islam and are looking for authentic, trusted and reliable knowledge delivered to them in an easy to understand and gentle manner


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In cases of financial hardship please get in touch at info@utrujj.org



December 29, 2020 @ 10:00 am


December 30, 2020 @ 12:30 pm
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